Melissa Roberts

Senior Director, Engagement at The Central Indiana Corporate Partnership

Melissa Roberts serves as senior director of engagement for the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP). Roberts leads communication and engagement and outreach activities for CICP’s major projects and studies. She directs project management of external consultants and designs and executes programming for internal and external audiences.

Roberts originally joined the organization in 2011 with Energy Systems Network (ESN), the energy technology initiative of CICP, and served in a variety of roles, including communications, marketing, operations, and human resources. Prior to joining ESN, she spent six years with Community Health Network as a healthcare recruiter and HR consultant.

Roberts has served as a member of the Experience Development and Family Learning Working Group at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis since 2016 and joined the Board of Trustees in 2021.

Roberts earned a B.A. in Psychology and Spanish from Vanderbilt University. She holds a master’s degree in Management from Indiana Wesleyan University.

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