The American University Eagle

1 follower

The Eagle is an award-winning student-run newspaper at American University that publishes a print edition every Tuesday during the academic year, except on days when the University is closed. The Eagle Online, www.TheEagleOnline.com, posts any breaking news between print editions.




Org chart

Abigail Turner's profile picture
Abigail Turner
Editor in Chief
Profile photo

Abigail Turner

Delaney Hoke's profile picture
Delaney Hoke
Managing Editor
Grace Harman's profile picture
Grace Harman
Instagram And Facebook Editor
Julia Cooper's profile picture
Julia Cooper
Opinion Columnist
Lydia Lopiccolo's profile picture
Lydia Lopiccolo
News Staff Writer
Maddie Gerber's profile picture
Maddie Gerber
Penelope Jennings' profile picture
Penelope Jennings
Sports Section Editor
Samantha Hiergesell
Twitter & Facebook Editor
Sarai Batallas
Managing Editor
Sophia Rocha
El Águila Spanish Copy Editor/translator
Sydney Hsu
Investigations And Data Editor
Taraji Ellington
Operations Editor
