The Freedom Fund


The Freedom Fund is a leader in the global movement to end modern slavery by identifying and investing in the most effective frontline efforts to eradicate modern slavery in the countries and sectors where it is most prevalent. Partnering with visionary investors, governments, anti-slavery organizat... Read more




Org chart

Nick Grono

Andrew Rizzardi
Global Communications Manager
Claire Falconer
Head of Global Initiatives and Movement Building
Dan Vexler
Managing Director, Programs
Deepika Reddy Allana
Progam Manager
Havovi Wadia
Director, Programs
Janaina Jatobá
Programme Manager Brazil
Lawrence Mendenhall
General Counsel and Advisor
Michel Agbodjinou
Head Of Finance
Vivian Bowles
Executive Assistant to the Managing Director, External Relations
Yuki Lo
Head of Research & Evaluation
Rachel Smith
Head of Strategic Partnerships