The Kessler Collection


The Kessler Enterprise, Inc. encompasses an exceptional collection of over 10 boutique and luxury hotels, as well as residential properties.

Org chart

Richard C. Kessler's profile picture
Richard C. Kessler
Chairman & CEO
Profile photo

Richard C. Kessler

Fravy Collazo's profile picture
Fravy Collazo
Mark Kessler's profile picture
Mark Kessler
President & COO, Kessler Collection’s Design & Development
Diana Kessler's profile picture
Diana Kessler
Creative Director, Kessler Design Studio
Madison Kendrick's profile picture
Madison Kendrick
Corporate Executive Administrative Assistant
Kenny Martinez's profile picture
Kenny Martinez
Corporate Director Of Learning And Talent Development
Nicole Diaz
Corporate Director Of Human Resources
Benjamin McCarney
General Manager
Philip Wade
Chief Investment Officer
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