Tiffany Graver-Smith

Director of institutional Advancement at The SEED School of Miami

Tiffany Graver-Smith is a founding member of The SEED School of Miami, overseeing various aspects of our Development efforts throughout these opening years. In this capacity, she manages the SEED Miami Board of Directors, social media channels, and fundraising efforts. Tiffany has expanded our partnerships in the community and beyond to provide unique experiences for our students and families such as: AileyCamp, Buffalo Cove Outdoor Education Center in North Carolina, the Miami Heat, Everglades Foundation, and more. She takes great pride in maintaining a close relationship with our supporters, ensuring a deep connection to our mission and students. Prior to her position at SEED Miami, she worked in the School Readiness Lab at The University of Miami, serving as a Team Leader assessing collaborative research in a successful school transition within various domains of early childhood education. Tiffany holds bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Miami. Mrs. Graver-Smith is also our conflict resolution designee.