Emily Ritter

Information Architect at The Understanding Group

Emily is passionate about breaking down barriers to understanding so that all people can use information to improve their lives. She strives to achieve this goal by combining the power of thoughtful organizational structures with clear language to ensure that people can both find the information they need and apply it in meaningful ways once they’ve discovered it. Her background in adult education and public libraries has provided unique opportunities to learn how people from all walks of life interact with information, allowing her to create information systems that are accessible to a wide audience without compromising the inherent complexity of their content. She is completing her Masters in Library and Information Science through the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Emily is insatiably curious and feeds her desire to learn by reading voraciously and engaging in a multitude of hobbies, which range from playing music to running to knitting. She also loves spending time outdoors and is looking forward to adopting her first dog soon. She is happiest when she is cultivating deep and meaningful relationships with the people around her and has the space in her life to ponder and reflect often.


  • Information Architect

    Current role