Thompson Hospitality

1 follower

Thompson Hospitality is a minority-owned Food Service provider, and one of the largest Retail Food and Facilities Management companies in the country.




Org chart

Warren Thompson's profile picture
Warren Thompson
President & Chairman
Profile photo

Warren Thompson

Benita Thompson-Byas' profile picture
Benita Thompson-Byas
Senior Vice President & Vice Chairman
Ali Azima's profile picture
Ali Azima
Chief Financial Officer
Maurice Jenoure's profile picture
Maurice Jenoure
Chief Operating Officer
Fred Thompson Jr.'s profile picture
Fred Thompson Jr.
Chief Administrative Officer
Brian Banks' profile picture
Brian Banks
President, Thompson Facilities Services
Edie Freeman's profile picture
Edie Freeman
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
Joe Lawler
SVP, Strategy & Finance, Thompson Hospitality Corporation
Craig Carey
Vice President, Marketing and Strategy
Carol Pasquariello
Vice President Marketing
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