Tiffin University

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Tiffin University offers accredited, professional undergraduate, graduate and degree completion programs on campus and online through its schools of arts and sciences, business and criminal justice and social sciences.





Org chart

Lillian Schumacher

Brad Rees
Vice Provost & Dean, School of Creative & Media Arts
Lonny Allen
VP, Athletics
Aly Horn
Assistant Dean, Program Development
Jill Aldrich
Director, Housing Operations
Holly Allgood
Director, Institutional Research
Laura Stark
Dance Team Director & Choreographer
Jonathan Appel
Professor of Psychology & Criminal Justice & Director of Institutional Review Board
Mike Hampp
Assistant Director, TU Marching Band
Elizabeth Athaide-Victor
Professor of Forensic Psychology & Psychology
Joseph Van Kerkhove
Associate Professor of Art
Rebecca Abraham
Assistant Professor of Management
Dan Myers
Assistant Professor of Commercial Music
Jeremy Albrecht
Online Admissions Counselor
Justin Delong
Instructor of Commercial Music
Peter Kharchenko
Instructor of Guitar & Bass
BK Riha
Arts Recruiting Coordinator
Aliyah Brown
Graduate Assistant
Prisca Strother
Tracy Hilare
Director, Choirs