Toshiya Ueki

EVP for General Affairs, Financial Affairs & International Relations at Tohoku University

Toshiya Ueki is the Executive Vice President for General Affairs, Financial Affairs and International Relations of Tohoku University

and is also a Professor of International Law at the Faculty and Graduate School of Law. Prof. Ueki served as the Dean of the Faculty and Graduate School of Law (2004-2006) and from 2006 he has been an Executive Vice President of Tohoku University.

He has authored or co-authored articles on international law and written many books on

the subject. He has been recognized for his exceptional work in the fields of transnational/international law and for his studies on the theory of international law related to international organizations. For his outstanding academic achievements, he was awarded the 27th Adachi Mineichiro Memorial Award in 1994. From 1988 to 1990 he was a Visiting Fellow at the Research Centre for International

Law at the University of Cambridge, UK, and from 1996 to 1997 he was a Visiting Scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute at Harvard University, USA. Prof. Ueki is a member of a number of distinguished academic societies including the Japanese Society of International Law and the International Law Association, and from May 2020 he is serving as the President of the Japanese Association of World Law.