Tomoku Co Ltd


TOMOKU CO., LTD. is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in cardboard, housing, and transportation warehouse businesses. The Company operates through three business segments. The Cardboard segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of cardboard sheets, cardboard cases and printing paper containe... Read more


Chiyoda-Ku, Japan




Org chart

Mitsuo Nakahashi
President & CEO

Mitsuo Nakahashi

Shoji Hirose
Senior Managing Executive Officer & Assistant of the President
Yoshiyuki Kurihara
Managing Director
Mitsuo Inoue
Senior Executive Officer
Shiro Tomita
Manager of North Kanto Area & President of Toshin Package CO., LTD.
Tatsunori Uejima
General Manager of Tatebayashi Works
Hisao Sonoki
General Manager of Innovation Promotion Office
Noboru Ito
Manager of South Kanto Area & President of Taiyo CO., LTD.
Nobuhiro Iiyama
Manager of Kansai Area
Koichi Sato
General Manager of Atugi Works
Kenichi Ota
General Manager of Iwatsuki Works
Takayuki Takanashi
Deputy General Manager of Production Div.
Kyosuke Kibi
General Director of Tomoku Vietnam CO., LTD.
Kazuho Fujiyama
General Manager
Shigekuni Tanaka
General Manager, Kobe Works