Cassandra Patrovani

Cassandra Patrovani is the Managing Director and Lead Partner of LaMP International Limited, a company that she founded over 20 years ago in New Zealand.

Today, the organization provides virtual back-office strategic design and implementation for companies around the world. Their focus is on Human Resources, Talent & Development and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging. As an internationally qualified Master Coach and Behavioural Consultant, she also supports individuals and Executives who are keen to understand and leverage their behaviours to achieve personal and organizational effectiveness.

She is also the first female Chairman of Picton Court Limited and Tahiti Estate Management Limited, (Trinidad).

She holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Organisational Behaviour from the University of London in England. She is specialized in the areas of Strategic Human Resource Management, Change Management, Behavioural and Relational Analysis, Groupwork, Group Development and Facilitation. She has worked extensively with local and international enterprises in the areas of Strategic Planning, Performance Management, Succession Planning, Leadership and Behavioural Development, Sales and Client Service, Corporate Communications, Change Management and Organisational Development. She is an internationally qualified and certified Trainer, Facilitator, Occupational Counsellor, Group Leader and Master Coach and continues to build on her extensive training in Group Development and Action Methods.