Shigeki Tomoyama

EVP & Chairman, Connected Company at Toyota Motor Corporation

Shigeki Tomoyama was born on September 2, 1958. He graduated from Gunma University with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering in March 1981, and joined Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) in April the same year.

Mr. Tomoyama was seconded to Toyota Motor Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. in April 2003. In April 2004, he was appointed general manager of the e-TOYOTA Division at TMC. As of January 2008, he was seconded to GAC Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. He was named managing officer of TMC in June 2010. Mr. Tomoyama was appointed chief officer of the Business Development Group, chief officer of the IT & ITS Group as well as chief officer of the Information Systems Group. After two months, he also became chief officer of the IT Group. In April 2012, he was made chief officer of the IT & ITS Group.

He was promoted to senior managing officer, and appointed deputy chief officer of the Motorsport Group. As of April 2016, he became chief officer of the Information Systems Group, deputy chief officer of Toyota GAZOO Racing Factory, and president of the Connected Company. After two months, he was appointed marketing director of Toyota GAZOO Racing Factory and chief information security officer. In April 2017, he was made chief officer of the External & Public Affairs Group and president of the GAZOO Racing Company.

In January 2018, Mr. Tomoyama became executive vice president, as well as chief officer of the TPS Group. In July 2019, he was appointed chairman of the Connected Company.

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