David Malec

Market Design Team Member at Tremor

David is a member of the Market Design Engineering team at Tremor. His role involves all aspects of the market design process, from initial design to practical implementation. Challenges include understanding and addressing incentive issues arising in specific markets; formulating and tuning market designs as mathematical optimization problems; and implementing these formulations as practical, working market platforms. In market design small decisions can have high impact, making a holistic approach that considers all of these issues critical to creating a market that successfully meets the particular needs of buyers and sellers within a given domain. In his role as Market Design Engineer, David focuses on ensuring that all parts of the market design process come together to create a platform that provides the maximum possible value to participants.

In addition to his work with Tremor, David Malec is also a Principal of Cramton Associates LLC and a post-doc in the Economics Department at the University of Maryland. His academic research focuses on topics at the interface between the fields of computer science and economics, and how complex economic settings can be approached algorithmically. He is particularly interested in how algorithmic techniques and insights can be applied in practical economic settings, and how this can be used to create markets and auctions for environments that would otherwise be intractable. He received his B.A. in Computer Science and Mathematics from Lake Forest College in 2007, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2014, and his work has appeared in top conferences in algorithmic game theory and theoretical computer science.

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  • Market Design Team Member

    Current role