TRIAD Manufacturing, Inc

1 follower

Triad Manufacturing, Inc. is the Saint Louis, Missouri-based award winning custom retail fixture manufacturer.




Org chart

Bob Hardie
Co President

Bob Hardie

Mauro Pasinelli
Executive Vice President Of Design
Joshua Scruggs
Director Of Information Technology
Charlie Kamper
Chief Financial Officer
Kristine Failla
Vice President Of Sales
Lace Veitch Fletcher
Account Manager
Lindsay Brown
Customer Service Specialist/project Manager
Megan Kraisser
Account Manager
Amen Sabbagh
General Manager, Production & Facilities
Chris Huge
Project Manager
Doug Foster
Senior Project Manager
Michelle Preuss
Import Planning Manager
Ronald Krob
Project Manager
Terry W. Johnston Jr.
Project Manager
Mike McCormick
Co President
Robert Cope
Remote Installation Tech.