Rich Pandullo

Director, EHS Management at Trinity Consultants

Mr. Pandullo currently serves as Director of Trinity’s EHS Management practice area. In this role, he collaborates to address client concerns involving climate change strategy and GHG emissions management, EH&S management systems, and environmental sustainability. He also manages complex assignments dealing with air permitting and compliance, climate change programs, auditing, and business sustainability strategy.

With more than 25 years of diverse environmental management experience, Mr. Pandullo has developed particular expertise on issues related to New Source Review permitting, Title V permitting, GHG emissions inventories and emissions reduction evaluations, EH&S compliance programs, and auditing. He has advised clients across a broad array of industry sectors and governmental entities.

Mr. Pandullo is lead instructor for several Trinity professional education courses – including Corporate Environmental Compliance Management, Developing an EMS for Environmental Performance, and Internal EMS Auditing. He is also co-instructor for Trinity’s Managing GHG Emissions course and frequently presents on climate change and sustainability at industry conferences.

Mr. Pandullo earned a Master of Environmental Management degree from Duke University and a bachelor’s degree in Biology & Environmental Science from Wake Forest University. He is a certified environmental management systems auditor (RABQSA) and a certified manager (ICPM).

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