
1 follower

Trukkin is a leading cloud based B2B platform.

Org chart

Janardan Dalmia's profile picture
Janardan Dalmia
Founder and CEO
Profile photo

Janardan Dalmia

Amy de Guzman
Executive Assistant To Chief Executive Officer
CA. Rubel Parti's profile picture
CA. Rubel Parti
Chief Financial Officer
Waseema Tabasum's profile picture
Waseema Tabasum
Assistant Manager Customer Experience
Farhan Habib's profile picture
Farhan Habib
Operations/ Business Development
jamila shaikh's profile picture
jamila shaikh
Business Development Specialist
June Formalejo's profile picture
June Formalejo
Sales and Data Analyst
Sushil Mishra
Senior Business Development Manager
Refaat ALmenshawy
Business Development Manager
