Daniel J. Perry

Shareholder at Tucker Arensberg

Experienced lawyer who applies financial knowledge and business acumen to find creative solutions to complex financing issues.

Dan has represented clients on issues concerning unsecured and secured commercial facilities, lease financing, limited and nonrecourse loans, receivable purchase programs, affiliate guarantee backed financing, construction financing, project financing, structured finance projects and tax-exempt obligations, including tax anticipation notes, general obligation bonds and other qualified tax-exempt bonds. Dan has extensive experience in the negotiation and documentation of derivative hedging transactions.

Dan is involved in the sale and purchase of privately held businesses as corporate counsel and acquisition financing transactions for both private and public entities as bank counsel including both the documentation and closing of such transactions and the performance and supervision of the relevant due diligence review. He advises financial institutions on the broad range of legal issues that regularly arise in the course of their operations including regulatory compliance, bank management issues, ongoing reporting requirements and the negotiation and implementation of compliance agreements with bank regulatory agencies.

Dan is listed as recognized bond counsel in the Bond Buyer’s Municipal Marketplace and has served as bond counsel and underwriter’s counsel for various tax-exempt financings.

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