Tully Rinckey

1 follower

Tully Rinckey PLLC is a full-service law firm dedicated to providing superior legal representation and customer service to its clients throughout the country.





Org chart

Michael W. Macomber
Partner & CEO

Michael W. Macomber

Greg T. Rinckey
Founding Partner
Mathew B. Tully
Founding Partner
Graig Cortelyou
Global COO
Anthony J. Kuhn
Managing Partner
Peter J. Pullano
Managing Partner
Sean C. Timmons
Managing Partner
Allen A. Shoikhetbrod
Managing Partner
Ryan C. Nerney
Managing Partner
Derrick Hogan
Managing Partner
Donna Williams Rucker
Managing Partner
Shannon Easton
Director of Client Relations
Sherley Mangroo
Billing Supervisor
Marylee Rant
Senior Accountant
Janice Brown
Accounting Associate
David J. Bell
Peter Carley
Legal Secretary
Margaret Bechtel
Legal Secretary