Turlock Unified School District

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Our Mission: Turlock Unified School District will deliver effective instruction in a safe, equitable, supportive environment in partnership with our families and diverse community.

Our Vision: All students will become self-motivated, responsible citizens who graduate college and career ready.





Org chart

Dana Salles Trevethan

Dana Salles Trevethan

Sitara Ali
Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction at Turlock Jr High
Marie Russell
Director of Communications, Family Engagement, and Outreach
Joseph Silveira
Director, Human Resources
John Acha
Director, Secondary Education
Jennifer Lew-Vang
Director, Child Nutrition
Robert Brogdon
Director, Technology Operations
Scott Richardson
Director, Maintenance-Operations
Judy Huerta
Director, Early Childhood Education
Alice Solis
Director, English Learners, Assessment & Special Programs
Shellie Santos
Director, Elementary Education
Ericka Tschantz
Director, Special Education
Gil Ogden
Director, Student Services
Dolores Flores
Director, Transportation
Fernando Ureno
Interim Assistant Superintendent & Human Resources
Barney Gordon
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
David Lattig
Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Marjorie Bettencourt
Assistant Superintendent, Finance & Accountability