Paulo Henrique Aragão Catunda

Vice-Chancellor at UEMA

Paulo Henrique Aragão Catunda is Adjunct Professor IV of the Department of Rural Economy at the Center for Agricultural Sciences – CCA/UEMA. Graduated in Agronomy from the State University of Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (UENF). Master and Doctor in Plant Production (UENF). FoiDirector of the Agronomy Course at CESI/UEMA (2013 – 2014) and Director of the Center for Higher Studies in Imperatriz – UEMA (2015-2016). possessediexperience in seed technology and recovery of degraded areas. Titular member of the Higher Collegiate Bodies of UEMA for 9 years. Appointed, in 2017, Pro-Rector of Extension and Student Affairs at UEMA.

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