Arshad Mustafa

Software Engineer at The University of Michigan

No bio yet

Work style

How I prefer to work



Mostly in a team

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Honesty
  • efficiency
  • politeness
  • patience
  • sense of humor

Someone that likes to get the assigned task done, and have fun along the way

My communication style

  • Polite
  • tactful
  • calm
  • overcommunicative
  • direct

Be direct and straight forward with what you would like to say

My pet peeves

  • Pessimism
  • selfishness
  • ungratefulness
  • secrecy
  • micromanagement

Fun fact

I love to actually understand the project and complete it (preferably in a team)

Personal Q&A

  • How would you describe your strengths?

    communication, work ethic


  • Software Engineer

    Current role