Earl Bridges

President & COO at Uncommon Giving

A 20-year leader in nonprofit-focused technology, Earl Bridges also serves as President and CEO of Uncommon Workplace Generosity. Earl was founder of Good Done Great, an industry pioneer in corporate grant management, employee giving, volunteer hour tracking and employee engagement programs for large and small businesses. Founded in 2009 and headquartered in Charleston, South Carolina, Good Done Great served more than 60 companies and over 2 million employees before being sold to YourCause in 2017. YourCause was subsequently acquired by Blackbaud in 2019 for approximately $157 million. Earl went on to become host of a PBS travel-documentary series, The Good Road, where he and co-creator Craig Martin travel the globe highlighting stories of philanthropic individuals making a difference in the most difficult situations. With more than 25 million viewers nationwide, The Good Road continues to be the most-viewed television program focused on global philanthropy.


  • President & COO

    Current role