United Language Group


Applies technology and language expertise to drive translation and localization quality for clients around the world, in industries like life sciences, legal and compliance, IT, finance, and manufacturing.






Org chart

Nic McMahon

Kimberly Greaney
Director Of Desktop Publishing
Jacqueline Weber
VP Of Enterprise Accounts, Life Sciences
Keith Kennedy
Vice President Of Sales - Life Sciences & Healthcare
James Dodson
Executive Vice President Of Interpretation
Geraldine Walsh
Vice President Finance
Toni Tornell
Vice President, Corporate Finance & Controller
Karen Ewing
VP Of Sales, Interpretation Solutions
David Conway
Vice President Of IT Operations & Application Support
Cbci Joe Hennigan
Vice President Of Compliance And Quality Assurance
Natalie Ayers
Vice President Marketing
Brian Benson
Vice President Of Security And Cloud Technologies
Kevin Bruner
Global Vice President Of Software Engineering
Evelyn Toro
Vice President, Translations Operations
Karen Hensley
Vice President, Translations Operations
Linda Yousif
Quality And Training Manager
Leandro Encarnacion
Community Engagement Program Manager
Lorraine Gorham
Director Of Human Resources_ International Operations