Universitat Jaume I


The Universitat Jaume I (UJI) is the public university in the north of the Valencian Community, a region on the European Mediterranean coast located between the cities of Valencia and Barcelona.


Castellón, Spain




Org chart

Eva Alcón Soler

Vicent Cervera Mateu
Vice Chancellor, Infrastructure & Sustainability
Elsa González Esteban
Vice Chancellor, Social Responsibility, Inclusive Policies & Equality
David Cabedo Semper
Vice Chancellor, Innovation, Transfer & Scientific Dissemination
M. Carmen Pastor Verchili
Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs & Healthy Living
Eva Camacho Cuena
Vice Chancellor, International Relations
Joaquin Beltrán Arandes
Vice Chancellor, Academic Planning & Teaching
María José Aramburu Cabo
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Studies & Permanent Training
Iván Barreda Tarrazona
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Planning & Quality
Isabel García Izquierdo
Vice President for Studies and Teaching
Jesús Lancis Sáez
Vice President for Research and Transfer
Inmaculada Rodríguez Moya
Vice President for Students and Social Commitment
Carmen Lázaro Guillamón
Vice President for Culture and Institutional Relations
Modesto Fabra Valls
Vice President for Planning, Coordination and Communication
Mercè Correa Sanz
Director, Doctorate School
Fernando Vicente Pachés
Director, Equality Unit
Francisco Fermín Mallén Broch
Director, International Relations Office
Carlos Hernando Domingo
Director, Sports Service
Marta Martín Núñez
Director, LABCOM
Cristina Pauner Chulvi
General Secretary
Andrea Planchadell Gargallo
Deputy Secretary General
Antonia Garrido Heras
Vice Manager, Economic Affairs & Contracting
Francisco Toledo Lobo
Commissioner of the rector for the Inspection of Services
Cristina Giménez García
Academic Director, Health Center

Board & advisors