University of Central Missouri

1 follower

A comprehensive institution focused on student success, the University of Central Missouri enables you to experience Learning to a Greater Degree through engaged learning, future-focused academics, a worldly perspective, and a culture of service. Let us help you build a pathway to your professional... Read more




Org chart

Roger Best
University President

Roger Best

Lindsay Chapman
General Counsel
Shari Bax
VP, Student Experience & Engagement
Courtney Goddard
VP, Advancement & External Engagement, Executive Director for UCM Alumni Foundation
Bill Hawley
VP, Finance & Operations
David Pearce
Executive Director, Governmental Relations
Monica Huffman
EA to the President & Assistant Board Secretary
Matt Howdeshell
VP, Intercollegiate Athletics
Tim Crowley
Provost/vice President For Academic Affairs
John Collier
President - Board Of Governors