The Academic and Research Support team at the University of Delaware facilitates and enhances scholarly activities across various disciplines by providing essential resources, guidance, and expertise. This collaborative team comprises faculty, researchers, and support staff who work together to promote undergraduate and graduate research initiatives, foster faculty development, and support academic programs and international collaborations, thereby contributing to the university's mission of advancing knowledge and innovation.
Amanda Levering
Senior Researcher
Dana Veron
Associate Provost for Faculty ...
Iulian Codreanu
Director, Nanofabrication Faci...
Jon Knowles
Assistant Director Of Developm...
Kim Isett
Vice Provost for Academic Prog...
Lan Wang
Senior Scientist
Laurie Drumm
Technology Coordinator, Senior...
Melinda Duncan
Principal Investigator Delawar...
Ravi Ammigan
Associate Professor Of Educati...
Steven Hegedus
Professor And Senior Scientist
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