University of Warwick



The University of Warwick is a public research university on the outskirts of Coventry between the West Midlands and Warwickshire, England. It was founded in 1965 as part of a government initiative to expand higher education.




Org chart

Stuart Croft
Vice-Chancellor and President

Stuart Croft

Emma Flynn
Chris Hughes
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education
Lorenzo Frigerio
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education
Michael Scott
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, International
Caroline Meyer
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research
Peter H.
Chief Operating Officer
Raja-Saleem Javaid
Chief Information & Transformation Officer
Simon Swain
Vice-President for National and Regional Engagement
Sudhesh Kumar
VP, Health
Chris Twine
Secretary to Council
David Leadley
Interim Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research, Infrastructure and Ethics
Kerry Kirwan
Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor Research, Knowledge Exchange and Partnerships
Nigel Driffield
Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Regional
Carsten Maple
Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor, North America
Jo Angouri
Academic Director, Education and Internationalisation
Patrick Tissington
Academic Director, Employability and Skills
Rosie Drinkwater
Group Finance Director