Gene Spencer

Chief Information Officer, Library & IT at Ursinus College

Gene provides leadership for all areas of Library and Information Technology support on campus, including circulation, technology support, research assistance, instructional technology support, library collections, classroom technology, audio/visual support, administrative systems, networking, event support, and the data center.

Before coming to Ursinus, Gene was an independent consultant to the higher education information technology and library communities. He focused on areas of organizational effectiveness, organizational design, leadership development, work redesign, quality customer service, collaboration between IT and library organizations, and synergies between people, information and technology. Gene has also served in a variety of IT and joint Library/IT positions at his alma mater, Bucknell University. As a consultant, Gene worked for over one-hundred institutions on a national and international level.

Gene has been a member of the EDUCAUSE Management Institute Faculty (2004-2007), serving for the last two years as its Director. He served on the EDUCAUSE Professional Development Committee and the EDUCAUSE 2000 program committee. He currently serves on the faculty of the CAUDIT Leadership Institute (Australia).


Collegeville, United States

