UZ Gent


Ghent University Hospital is one of the largest and most specialized health care providers in Flanders. It stands out for its optimum clinical patient care. Patient care, teaching, scientific research and providing services to the population are the main tasks of the hospital. Through the combine... Read more


Gent, Belgium




Org chart

Prof. dr. Eric Mortier
gedelegeerd bestuurder UZ Gent

Prof. dr. Eric Mortier

Bram van Groenigen
Head Of ICT Infrastructure
Dries Neyrinck
Head Nurse Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
Sylvie Rottey
Prof Dr Clinical Pharmacologist Head Of Drug Research Unit Gent
Kathleen Segers
Zorgcoordinator Complexe Chirurgie Slokdarm En Pancreas Bij UZ Gent
Maarten Buytaert
ASO Kindergeneeskunde
Philippe Tummers
Head Of Department Gynecology
Clarisse Lecluyse
Adjunct-kliniekhoofd Radiologie
Hasan Eker
HPB And Transplant Surgeon At UZ Gent (ghent University Hospital)
Chantal Haeck
Directeur Bedrijfsondersteunende Diensten