Vectra Bank Colorado



Vectra Bank is a banking service company. It provides mobile banking, wealth management, leasing, business, and commercial real estate loans. It combines sophistication with personalization to offer a unique service experience.




Org chart

Bruce Alexander

Bruce Alexander

Christina Heinzmann
Human Resources Group Manager & Business Partner, Senior Vice President
Clint Burnette
Community Business Banking
Justin Simpson
Svp, Sr. Community Banking Division Leader
Larry Costello
SVP / Senior Community Banking Sales Leader - Business Development
J.r. Garcia
Vice President, Premier Client Service Manager, Private Bank / Commercial Bank
Trish Pavik-Cook
SVP / Zions State Credit Administrator
Ashley Comstock
Evp, Chief Financial Officer
Melissa Demos
Executive Vice President And Chief Credit Officer
Dave Alleman
Svp, Director Marketing Communications
Adam Kinney
Farmington Market President
Bruce Weber
Market President
Matthew Burgess
Market President
Jim Friedberg
SVP Commercial Banking
Stacie Forsberg
Vice President/ SBA Small Business Manager