Basil Alwan

Director at Velocix

Basil joined Nokia in 2016. He was previously President of IP Routing and Transport at Alcatel-Lucent. Alcatel-Lucent’s IP Routing and Transport revenues exceeded $5 billion across IP, Transport, Video and Cloud/Data Center technologies during his tenure. Basil joined Alcatel in 2003 through the acquisition of privately held TiMetra Networks. TiMetra was a venture-backed Silicon Valley start-up focused on service routers for IP/MPLS networks where he was founder, President and CEO. Since the acquisition Basil and the team from TiMetra have steadily grown Alcatel-Lucent’s IP routing business. The business has gained market share consistently for a decade; from entry Alcatel-Lucent attained the #2 position in service provider IP/MPLS routing with more than 400 customers in 120+ countries around the world.