Vision Realty Centers


At Vision Realty Centers we are always looking for ways to make our agent's careers easier and more profitable. We have some of the lowest cost agent contracts around and we provide more tools & services than the so-called "Traditional Brokers"​. Contact us today to learn how you can jump start your... Read more

Org chart

Jon Eckerly
Founder/ Broker/ Owner

Jon Eckerly

Adam E. Kennedy
Director Of Commercial Brokerage
Bob Farmer
Dan Munro
Licensed Realtor
Dustin Costa
Real Estate Agent
Jillian W.
Karmelo Yiorgos Gezhilli
Real Estate Agent
Laura Jankowski
Associate Broker/executive Realtor
Lu Kalaj
Real Estate Agent
Matthew Harrison
Licensed Realtor
Nicholis Harris
Builder Realtor
Paula Keels-Peters
Realtor - Certified Distressed Property Expert CDPE
Stephanie Hamme
Real Estate Agent