

VisiQuate’s user-friendly end-to-end revenue cycle management and analytics solutions let virtually anyone in a healthcare organization explore complex data from multiple sources to quickly gain insights and create actionable workflows.




Org chart

Brian Robertson
Founder & CEO

Brian Robertson

Jim Kolmansberger
Co-Founder & President
Sven P. Zabka
EVP, Chief Legal Officer & Corporate Secretary
Tommy Thornton
EVP & Chief People Officer
Jennie Martucci
EVP, Client Services
Stephen Delaney
EVP, Client Development
Jenn Roberts
EVP, Administration & Corporate Controller in Finance & Administration
Sean Kirby
EVP, Velocity Consulting
Vitaliy Gavrylenko
Chief Technology Officer
Megan Langston
Chief Design & Marketing Officer
Tiffany Walls
EVP, Growth
Peyton Meroney
Vice President - Client Delivery Operations At Visiquate, Inc.
Brent L.
Chief Information Security Officer
Nat C.
Director, Creative Services
Matt Kelley
Senior Director, Sales Engineering
Gina Jones
Vice President Of Growth
Shane Kearney
Svp, Growth