Vital Strategies


Vital Strategies is a global health organization that believes every person should be protected by a strong public health system. We work with governments and civil society in 73 countries to design and implement evidence-based strategies that tackle their most pressing public health problems. Our g... Read more




Org chart

Daniel Schaefer's profile picture
Daniel Schaefer
Chief Technology Officer
Wallace D’souza's profile picture
Wallace D’souza
Chief Finance And Administration Officer
Claudia Wells' profile picture
Claudia Wells
Managing Director For CRVS
Adam Karpati's profile picture
Adam Karpati
Senior Vice President, Public Health Programs
Gan Quan's profile picture
Gan Quan
Senior Vice President, Tobacco Control
Laurel Wade's profile picture
Laurel Wade
Senior Vice President, Partnerships And Development
Cris Bohanski
Vice President, Global Operations
Marie Mcnamee
Vice President, Human Resources
Enrico Aditjondro
Deputy Director, South East Asia, PAC
Sylvie Drolon
Associate Director, Office Of President
Stephen Hamill
Vice President And Global Lead, Policy Advocacy And Communication
Andrew Rendeiro
Chief Strategy Officer
Ge Zeng
Chief Technical Officer, Sodium Reduction
Daniel Kass
Senior Vice President, Environmental, Climate And Urban Health