Vox Media


Vox Media is a prestigious modern media company that believes in the power of going deeper to connect with global, passionate, curious audiences. Through their authoritative house of brands, commitment to developing standout technology, and high-fidelity advertising, they are shaping the future of j... Read more

Org chart

Jim Bankoff
Chairman & CEO

Jim Bankoff

Meridith Webster
Chief Communications Officer
Swati Sharma
Editor In Chief, Vox
Geoff Schiller
Chief Revenue Officer (cro)
Lauren Rabaino
Chief Operating Officer
Ian Adelman
Chief Experience Officer
Brian Leung
General Counsel
Annie Trombatore
Chief People Officer
Sean Macnew
Chief Financial Officer
Shyra Smart
Chief Development and Strategy Officer
Dan Corrigan
Senior Software Engineer
Jeff Chin
Senior Vice President, Analytics