Chris Doig

Founder, CEO & Author at Wayferry

Chris graduated from the University of Cape Town, South Africa with a bachelor of electrical engineering degree. While at university, he founded Cirrus Technology to supply information technology products to the corporate market. The focus at Cirrus was helping companies buy the best IT products for their particular needs. Cirrus also developed custom software for the South African 7-Eleven franchise holder and other corporate clients.

In the mid-nineties, Chris immigrated to the United States and worked at several companies in technical and IT management roles: Seagate, Biogen, Netflix, Boeing, Bechtel SAIC, Discovery Communications and several startups. At all of these companies he repeatedly saw software being purchased with an immature selection process. Invariably this software would take longer to implement than planned and cost more than budgeted. To make matters worse, the software seldom met expectations.

Having struggled with software selection himself, Chris founded Wayferry to help organizations acquire enterprise software. He is also the author of Rethinking Enterprise Software Selection: Stop buying square pegs for round holes. For Chris, the ultimate satisfaction is when clients report the new software is enabling their business strategy execution, and is meeting or even exceeding their expectations.
