The Machine Learning and Data Engineering team at Weights & Biases is responsible for developing robust machine learning workflows and data infrastructure that enhance model tracking, visualization, and automation. They collaborate with enterprise clients to ensure successful integration and optimization of machine learning solutions, driving performance improvements and providing technical support. This multidisciplinary team, comprising engineers, data scientists, and account executives, focuses on delivering scalable tools that empower businesses to efficiently utilize their machine learning capabilities.
Adam G.
Deep Learning Engineer, Custom...
Artsiom Skarakhod
Machine Learning Engineer
Athanasios Vitsas
Senior Machine Learning Engine...
Ayush Thakur
Machine Learning Engineer
Benjamin Sherman
Machine Learning Engineer
Christopher Histe
Data Platform Engineer
Danny Goldstein
Staff Engineer
Dmitry Duev
Senior Software Engineer
Dr. Agne Moore
Post Sales Machine Learning En...
Elaina Hodgkin
Engineering Manager
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