Frank Aevoet

Managing Principal, Distressed Debt Acquisitions at Westdale Asset Management, LLC

At Westdale, Mr. Aelvoet is responsible for acquiring and managing investments in distressed debt. Prior to joining Westdale, Mr. Aelvoet was Senior Vice President and Chief Credit Officer of FirstCity Servicing Corporation, where he was responsible for the identification, acquisition and resolution of impaired commercial and real estate credits, FirstCty’s core business. Mr. Aelvoet joined FirstCity in 2002 and previously was a Division Manager for Lend Lease Real Estate Investments (the successor of AMRESCO Management, Inc). At Lend Lease, Mr. Aelvoet, was responsible for the loan asset management division within the United States. In addition to his portfolio management duties for distressed commercial and real estate loans, his activities also included business development, portfolio acquisitions, financial reporting and capital partner recruitment. His 18 year tenure with AMRESCO included: (i) Division and District Management positions in Baltimore, MD; McLean, VA; and San Antonio, TX, (ii) the resolution of performing and nonperforming commercial and real estate loan portfolios, (iii) conducting bulk sales of loan and REO portfolios, (iv) leading due diligence projects in the analysis and valuation of performing and nonperforming loans and REO investment opportunities.

Prior to Lend Lease, Mr. Aelvoet was associated with AMRESCO’s predecessor company (now known as Bank of America) as a commercial bank lending manager and loan production officer. These positions provided Mr. Aelvoet with a broad base of lending and business knowledge in multiple industries. Mr. Aelvoet began his professional career as an Assistant National Bank Examiner for the Comptroller of the Currency. Mr. Aelvoet holds a business degree from Texas State University.