Rebecca Nogajski

Executive Director Medical Services at Western Sydney Local Health District

Dr Rebecca (Bec) Nogajski commenced as the Acting Executive Director of Medical Services in February 2022, having previously acted in the role for an extended period in 2021. Bec joined Western Sydney in April 2020 as the Director of Paediatrics. The role of Clinical Network Director of Paediatrics was added to her scope in April 2021.

Bec brings to the role extensive experience in clinician leadership, engagement, and education. Previous roles include the Director of Paediatric Emergency, Director of Advanced Training and Deputy Director of Medical Administration at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Bec also developed and lead HETI”s medical leadership program for Doctors in Training as the Clinical Lead.

As Executive Director of Medical Services, Bec’s key focus is on ensuring WSLHD’s medical workforce is supported to delivery excellent care to the patients now and into the future through a strong education framework and engaged leadership.


  • Executive Director Medical Services

    Current role