World University Service of Canada (WUSC - EUMC)


WUSC is a Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to providing education, economic and empowerment opportunities for youth around the world. We work with volunteers in Canada and around the world to turn our vision into a reality. Whether you are an early-career, mid-career or a retired professi... Read more


Ottawa, Canada




Org chart

Steve Mason
Chief Executive Officer

Steve Mason

Stefan Hollmann
Chief Financial Officer
Emelia Ayipio Asamoah
Country Director, Ghana
Godfrey Mphande
Country Director, Malawi
Ken Fraser
Deputy Director, IT & Digital Transformation
Mumtaz Aroos Faleel
Country Director, Sri Lanka
Nancy Momany
Country Director, Jordan
Osamah Mohammed Kadhim
Country Director, Iraq
Rachelle Anctil
Director, Strategic Initiatives
Sam Landon
Director, Programs
Tania Jordan
Deputy Director, Program Management And Operations
Cégep De Lévis - Lauzon
Dr. Nicole Lacasse, Vice-chair
Janice Bothello
Country Director, Kenya & Director, Dreem Project