Aneta Wiatrowska


With XTPL since September 2016. In July 2017, she was appointed technology director responsible for all areas involved in the process of printing with XTPL method. She oversees the work of four laboratories: applications, pre-post processes, numerical simulations and advanced characterization. In the years 2013-2015 she participated in a prestigious post-PhD scholarship under the EU Marie Curie (LUMINET) project at the Philips Research Center in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, where she worked primarily on the synthesis, protection and characterization of hygroscopic lutetium iodides, Lul3 doped with lanthanides and synthesis and characterization of scintillating nanoparticles and production of polyurethane based composites containing previously synthesized scintillating nanoparticles. Earlier in 2013, she honored her doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Wroclaw, where she worked for 4 years on new X-ray memories and was a contractor for 4 EU-funded research and development projects:- sintered nanoceramics scintillators (characteristic of new materials under synchrotron radiation at Superlumi Station at DESY, Germany); – new efficient phosphors for lighting and solar concentrators; – detectors and converters of electromagnetic radiation for digital medical diagnosis and security; – innovation challenge within the area of ​​scintillators; She has two patent applications (PHILIPS 2014P00722EP & PHILIPS 2014P00721EP) and two patents (PCT / PL2012 / 050002,10.01.2012 and PCT / PL2014 / 050001, 18.12.2014).


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