Leadership Team


The Zeblok Computational leadership team has a diverse history, with members coming from various backgrounds in blogging, computer science, finance, and business. The team is led by CEO Arpit Jain, who has a background in computer science and engineering from the Vellore Institute of Technology. He also has a MBA from the Wharton School and experience working in finance and business at JPMorgan Chase, Bear Stearns, and Nuvolat Cloud Group. The team also includes Senior Vice President (Marketing and Operations) Rakesh Desai, who has a degree in computer science from Penn State University and experience working in marketing and business at Independent Consulting and Zenith Infotech Ltd. Additionally, the team includes Managing Director Atul Gupta, who has a degree in electronics from the University of Mumbai and experience working in banking and finance at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette/HSBC/Oppenheimer/Kleinwort/Afin.

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