Fuat Celepci

General Manager, Electricity & Gas Distribution Operations at Zorlu Enerji

Fuat Celepci graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering in 1982 and completed his master's degree at Bilkent University Faculty of Law in 2011. He started his career in 1982 as a Civil Engineer at the Turkish Electricity Corporation. Celepci started to work at BOTAŞ in 1984 and served as Deputy General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors at this institution between 1999-2005. Celepci retired from BOTAŞ General Manager Consultancy in 2012. Joining Zorlu Energy Group in 2012, Celepci served as the General Manager of Gazdaş Gaziantep Doğal Gaz Dağıtım AŞ and Thrace Region Natural Gas Distribution AŞ, one of the Zorlu Energy Group companies, between 2012-2016. Celepci has been serving as Zorlu Energy Group's General Manager for Electricity and Gas Distribution Operations since January 1, 2017. Fuat Celepci is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Natural Gas Distributors Association (GAZBIR).