Czech Republic

Explore 1,152 companies in Czech Republic



⭕️ Easy and affordable for everyone: this is our vision of the (r)evolution of scanning and printing, incorporating our 30 years of experience in the printing industry. We understand that behind every document is a real person looking for comfort, security and efficiency in their daily activities.

Nordic Telecom


Jsme poskytovatel telekomunikačních služeb s vlastní optickou infrastrukturou a bezdrátovými sítěmi v pásmech 3,7 GHz, 5 GHz a 60 GHz. V aukci pásma 3,7 GHz, které je určené pro 5G sítě, jsme jako jediný účastník získali dva bloky spektra. Na nich stavíme moderní bezdrátovou síť, která nabízí kvalit

Rohlik Group

1 follower

Rohlik is the European leader of e-grocery in Central Europe. Already active in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria.



■ Who we are NET4GAS is the gas transmission system operator in the Czech Republic. The company secures the international transit across the Czech Republic, domestic transmission to partners in the Czech Republic and associated commercial and technical services. It operates more than 3,800 km of p



We had a dream – a dream of a global company where everybody on the planet would have the same chance to trade with serious capital, share their talents and skills, and potentially make a living out of trading. We have been building this dream for the past 15 years, and the latest piece of it has re

Clinical Research Center is the first Clinical Trial Site Network in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Clinical Research Center (CRC) has been building a team of professional trained clinical study coordinators who increase the work efficiency of physicians and patient comfort by their services and

Fresh Crackers


Fresh Crackers is a marketing platform (new concept marketing agency). Our vision is to create a proffesional marketing community and help companies with business strategy, marketing campaings and overall communication. We are business partners with focus in marketing! 👍



Safetica Technologies protects companies from data breaches caused by insider errors and malicious actions. We are a Czech-based developer of Data Loss Prevention(DLP), monitoring, and encryption software. Our flagship product is Safetica 5, a complete DLP suite which combines data protection with b

Who we are Dr. Max is the leading pharmacy chain in Central Europe. Our professional staff manage circa 2,500 patient oriented pharmacies in 6 countries. Each day around 350,000 customers visit one of our modern pharmacies in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Italy. In ever



Tým, produkty, služby a vlastní appka! Jsme MyMight. Česká firma, která nestojí na zelené louce. Původně jsme vznikli jako inovační tým mateřské společnosti GORDIC úspěšně operující na lokálním trhu více než 28 let. Nyní dodáváme jedinečná řešení pro domácnosti, ubytovací zařízení nebo komerční obj



Founded in 1997, Devart now has 20+ years of experience in developing database tools and native data access solutions for different database servers with headquarters and RND center in Czech Republic. Devart has more than 40 000 devoted customers. We supply our products to the companies known world

Jsme logistický partner e-shopů i firem. Stačí jedno napojení a můžete posílat zásilky do celé Evropské unie prostřednictvím jednoho z více než 30 lokálních i mezinárodních dopravců. O zásilky se staráme fyzicky i datově - vše svezeme do našeho centrálního depa, opatříme štítky a odtud zásilky rozve

Welcome aboard the largest railway carrier in the Czech Republic, České dráhy. The #CD group includes the railway carrier České dráhy and its subsidiaries, including the railway freight carrier ČD Cargo. With its 21,000 employees, the ČD group is among the largest employers in the Czech Republic and

Armik is a supplier of military equipment. They provide products that include paints, oils and masking, flashlights and torches, backpacks and cases, shoes and socks, glasses and binoculars, jackets, coats and vests, hats, scarves and gloves, gifts and trinkets, watches and compasses, insignia, patc



SmartGuide B2B2C platform turns every phone into a personal tour guide that enables safe tourism recovery post-Covid.

Patříme mezi největší laboratorní uskupení v České republice. Zaměstnáváme přibližně 900 zaměstnanců, provozujeme 11 laboratoří a síť více než 70 odběrových pracovišť. Jsme součástí nadnárodní skupiny SYNLAB Group, která působí ve více než 40 zemích světa a zaměstnává přes 20 tisíc lidí. Zakládáme


1 follower

Next-generation software solutions for live video encoding and transcoding. Accelerated on GPUs. JPEG2000 Support. 30-day trial.


Kreativa a výroba webů a e-shopů pod jednou střechou. To je Animato. Naši stratégové to celý vymyslej, UI designéři, grafici a vývojáři tomu daj tvář a funkčnost, texty napíšou copywriteři a vizuální obsah zajistí naše foto/video produkce Mezi našimi klienty najdete kosmetické, investiční i výrobn

Czech Airlines

1 follower

Czech Airlines is the flag carrier of the Czech Republic.


SearchTeam is an international IT recruitment company sourcing and providing the best technology talent on the market. We accelerate business growth through our proactive international sourcing strategies by supplying companies with tailor-made IT talent solutions. Our rapidly engaging services can

Perenio IoT


Perenio operates as a technology company that offers integrated building management solutions using IoT. Its primary product is the Perenio building control system, a fully functional ecosystem for protecting your home and property. The company is driven by a mission to make every home and office sa

Roger increases cash flow for businesses and entrepreneurs by reducing extended invoice maturities to three days. The firm provides investors with short-term investments in invoices issued by creditworthy enterprises.



Jsme technologická a konzultační společnost. Byli jsme u mnoha důležitých událostí českého byznysu. Řešíme to, co nám bude připadat samozřejmé zítra.

Zátiší Group


The Zátiší Group was established in 1991 developing into a group of four exceptional restaurants V Zátiší, Bellevue, Mlýnec and Žofín Garden, Zátiší Catering providing services all over Europe and innovative Fresh&Tasty division.

IBA Group

1 follower

Software development, IT outsourcing.

1 follower

Umožníme vám mikroinvestovat do bytů po celé ČR online a už od 500 Kč. Připojte se k víc než 30 000 lidem a nechte svoje peníze vydělávat.



We are Ambiente, people with the same worldview. In all our restaurants, cafés and stores we turn food into experience. We also believe that joy is the best ingredient of our work. We do our job simply: not hiding nor polishing anything. We value the crafts and quality materials. Our best referen


1 follower

⭐ Hlavní zdroj informací moderního člověka. Věnujeme se tématům, která hýbou Českem a světem.



MONET+ is an expert provider of smart card and mobile technology for secure identity and payment solutions. Since 1996 we are pioneering the business use of smart cards technology. We brought an electronic wallet and chip-based payment cards to the Czech market. Today, we are delivering card accepta



LEAPS - Low Energy Accurate Positioning System



Podnikové informační systémy HELIOS pokrývají potřeby firem všech velikostí v nejrůznějších oblastech podnikání a veřejné správy. Vyzkoušejte špičkový ERP systém.



Wallmine helps investors find and research new investment opportunities by providing them with a modern stock screener, insider trading information, market news, portfolio tracking, as well as a cryptocurrency screener.



Jsme Aktin - fitness magazín a eshop se sportovní a zdravou výživou, síť kamenných výdejen, influencer na sociálních sítích, jsme tým zapálených lidí se společným cílem. Aktin vznikl v roce 2010 jako online magazín. Cílem bylo a je poskytovat relevantní informace ze světa fitness, výživy a zdravého

Nabízíme komplexní ESG poradentství a software pro nefinační reporting, uhlíkovou stopu společnosti či produktu, uhlíkovou daň - CBAM a mnohoho dalšího. Obraťte se na skutečné experty v oboru. Vytvořte z udržitelnosti novou obchodní příležitost.

Společnost NIKA Logistics a.s. je ryze česká dopravní společnost s dlouholetými zkušenostmi v oblasti vnitrostátní a mezinárodní dopravy a spedice. Disponujeme logistickými centry v Pardubicích a Liberci. Máme vlastní středisko speciálních přeprav a přeprav OVS. V roce 2017 jsme se stali součástí



Jsme soukromá klinika rodinného charakteru poskytující profesionální zdravotní služby. Nabízíme široké spektrum péče pro všechny věkové kategorie klientů, od novorozenců po prarodiče. Naše klinika je inspirována tradicí rodinných lékařů, kde se profesionální lékařská péče snoubí s osobním vztahem a



Dishboard replaces the financial manager for the restaurant industry. Dishboard digitalizes financial spreadsheets. No more manual data entry thanks to automatic recognition of received invoices and P&L generation. Enabling restaurants to stay on top of their costs, while ensuring they do not over

Since 2013 we've been helping companies to efficiently use data & AI to build smart solutions for their business. Our clients are remarkably diverse and operate in the fields of telecommunication, banking, e-commerce, or energy. We help them to uncover the wealth in data to grow, sustain, and transf

DEFEND INSURANCE GROUP (DIG) companies provide specialty insurance solutions for the automotive sector and handle claims, focusing on extended warranties, GAP insurance, and other innovative products. Driven by a mission to exceed customer expectations by delivering peerless automotive solutions and



Parrot is a technology company modernizing the transcription process.



Edookit was founded with the ambitious vision of creating a modern integrated IT platform for schools. We believe our solution will provide new opportunities for educational systems worldwide.



PromethistAI is a Conversational AI Company

UniCredit Bank started its activities on the Czech market on November 5, 2007. It was established by the integration of two successful independent banking houses, HVB Bank and Živnostenská banka.

Enkla Media


Enkla Media is a company specializing in consumer information, with a focus on consumer finance, and operates websites across Scandinavia. The company’s mission is to provide clear and relevant insights that help consumers navigate the often complex world of financial products and services. Through

APS Holding SE


Since 2004 we have been acquiring, advising and servicing not only NPL, but also SPL and PL portfolios and monetizing finance businesses. Visit our website!



We design, build and promote web applications. We are a full-service software development agency.

FERMAT Machinery


FERMAT is a highly professional Horizontal Boring Mill Manufacturer with the tradition of producing metal working and processing equipment in the Czech Republic. FERMAT has been into the design, manufacture, supply, and installation of Horizontal Boring Mills in Heavy Engineering and Precision Compo

PRK Partners is a leading full-service business law firm operating in the Central-Eastern European region. Our firm, at its core, is dedicated to the success of our clients. That dedication spans across the three countries and four locations that we operate out of. It can be seen in every one of ou

OKIN Process


OKIN Process is the back-office powerhouse that helps to take ownership of the operations. Providing the freedom to the business owner to focus on what matters, deliver newfound efficiencies and growth opportunities for the business. OKIN Process leverage the power of globalized workforces and agile