Explore 2,638 companies in Norway
Vi tilbyr rekruttering og konsulenttjenester. Vi er markedsledende innen områdene økonomi, Engineering og IT!
Norges Bank er sentralbanken i Norge. Vårt mål er å fremme stabilitet i norsk økonomi gjennom våre utøvende og rådgivende oppgaver. I tillegg skal vi bidra til at betalingssystemene og finansmarkedene er både robuste og effektive. Norges Bank forvalter Statens pensjonsfond utland og Norges valuta
Hafslund ASA is a Norway-based company active in the electrical utilities sector. The Company, along with it is subsidiaries, is primarily engaged in the generation and marketing of electricity using renewable energy sources. The Company’s operations are divided into four business areas, namely Prod
At Santander Nordics, we work with the best people in an engaged, challenging and passionate organization that provides excellent opportunities for advancement. We are a Nordic bank with more than 1,400 colleagues in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, and with global strength by being a part of B
Velkommen till Bravida! Ledende leverandør av prosjekt og service innenfor elektro, rør og ventilasjon. Vi gir bygninger liv - kontakt oss idag.
Sparebanken Vest is the country's third largest savings bank with over 600 committed and skilled employees.
Cegal is a global tech powerhouse, specializing in energy and security. Delivering leading industry software, world-class consulting, and mission critical cloud solutions, we turn complex IT into digital success stories. With 850 employees in eight countries, we are growing to become a leading glo
We believe that a country’s natural resources belong to its citizens. Our mission is to promote understanding of natural resource management, strengthen public and corporate governance and provide the data to inform greater transparency and accountability in the extractives sector. By becoming m
Corporater is a leading software provider of integrated GRC solutions. Corporater empowers medium and large organizations to digitize, manage and assure their Governance, Performance, Risk, and Compliance programs by providing them with a Business Management Platform (BMP) that is highly configurabl
Shearwater’s modern fleet, expert imaging teams and innovative software combine to offer exceptional results. The powerful fleet, complete with modern technology, is manned by experienced crews working safely and efficiently in all operating conditions to deliver a cost-effective and high-quality se
Norges Håndballforbund skal: •Lede og utbre håndballidretten i Norge samt representere internasjonalt. •Organisere serie-/kamptilbud på nasjonalt nivå. •Utvikle fagprogrammer, kurs- og utdanningstilbud. •Utvikle fagprodukter (litteratur, video cd-rom etc.) •Faglig rådgiving til regioner og kl
AKVA group is a technology partner and supplier of advanced equipment and services to the aquaculture industry worldwide.
Hos oss finner du produkter og faglige råd for både arbeid og fritid, og vi har en nettbutikk som er åpen for alle. Samvirket Felleskjøpet Agri er eid av 44.000 bønder og det gjør oss i stand til å sikre gode leveranser av råvarer, produkter og tjenester.
Ice er eid av Lyse AS, et norsk industrikonsern med virksomhet innen energi, telekommunikasjon og infrastruktur. Konsernet er heleid av 14 kommuner i Sør-Rogaland og konsernets verdiskapning går tilbake til fellesskapet. Nasjonalt har konsernet blitt en betydelig utfordrer innen fiberbasert bredbånd
Torvald Klaveness is a pioneering shipping company with a vision to improve the nature of shipping and ambition to make seaborne supply chains resilient, decarbonized, and cost-effective. The Group consists of a holding structure and four operating companies; through Klaveness Combination Carriers
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is responsible for the planning, construction and operation of the national and county road networks, vehicle inspection and requirements, driver training and licensing. It is also authorized to grant subsidies for ferry operations. The Public Roads Admi
Interwell is a oil service company operating globally.
Neptune Software and its leading SAP-centric, low-code enterprise app development platform empowers IT departments to drive business results.
Prøv Entur og finn din reise med buss, tog, båt, trikk, t-bane og fly. Entur samler hele Norges kollektivtilbud på ett sted slik at du enkelt finner frem. Entur fra dør til dør, nord til sør.
Advansia tilbyr et bredt spekter av tjenester innen prosjektledelse, digitalisering, sikkerhet og strategisk rådgivning for å møte våre kunders behov for en helhetlig tilnærming - enten det er å sikre en effektiv og trygg gjennomføring av et prosjekt eller lykkes med å utvikle sin virksomhet. Vi er
Borr Drilling Limited is an international drilling contractor to the oil and gas industry, with the ambition of acquiring and operating modern drilling assets.
NutraQ is a privately held company that manufactures food supplements and cosmetic products.
World leading marine insurer, second-to-none service provider. Rest assured.
Vissim is a software developer and turnkey sensor and infrastructure provider for advanced marine optimisation systems. We help clients worldwide to plan, monitor and optimize their offshore wind, offshore energy, port and coastal operations and assets, enabling more cost-efficient, safer and more
Fearnleys AS is a major international shipbroking company providing chartering, sale & purchase, and newbuilding contracting services. In addition to our main office in Oslo, we provide shipping services from 12 offices world-wide. The company is a part of the Astrup Fearnley group which is engaged
There’s no place like home, as the old saying goes. It reflects the true feeling of being safe in a place surrounded by the people we care about. Our homes and our workplaces are where our lives happen, where our relationships grow and where we keep the things we cherish. We are there for our custom
I over 30 år har vi stått på for at du som vår kunde skal ha de beste systemene – tilpasset ditt behov. Du vet – de som sparer deg for tid, gjør informasjonen du trenger tilgjengelig når du trenger den, og gir oversikt over de viktige prosessene i bedriften din innen regnskap, logistikk, timeførin
AVO Consulting renders digital transformation, robotic process automation, AI, machine learning and low-code app development services.
Norsk Tipping tilbyr Lotterier, Oddsen, Flax, kasinospill og mye annet. Hele overskuddet vårt går til samfunnsnyttige formål
Krafttak mot kreft er Kreftforeningens årlige innsamlingsaksjon. Dette er vår felles store dugnad i kampen mot kreft og Norges nest største innsamlingsaksjon.
SINTEF TTO & Venture invest in spin-off companies from SINTEF, NTNU and other research based institutions in Norway. Our dealflow reflect results from state-of-art research and cover a variety of sectors.SINTEF Venture seek to co-invest with VC funds with sector expertise at an early stage.
SpinChip is considered the ultimate concept for in vitro diagnosis analyses in a point of care setting.
Hexagon Purus enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products ar
Bakehuset består av elleve lokalbakerier og er et heleid selskap av NorgesGruppen. Vi er stolte av å si at vi er Norges største bakehus – og at vi sammen er en stolt bakerfamilie der tradisjoner, godt håndverk og fagkunnskap står høyt.
In collaboration with our clients, partners, and each other, we solve meaningful challenges through better projects, business development, and digital transformation. Together, we make change possible. As an organization, Metier has a history that dates back 40 years. With 250 employees, 800 MNOK i
BASS, of Norwegian heritage and founded in 1997, is a leading global provider of fleet management software for ship owners and ship managers, as well as operators of rigs and floating production, storage and offloading vessels (FPSOs), and offshore units. More than 100 customers, including many of
Forskningsrådet skal gi næring til nye ideer, gjøre grensesprengende forskning og radikal innovasjon mulig. Vi jobber for et samfunn der forskning blir skapt, brukt og delt, og der vi bidrar til omstilling og et mer bærekraftig samfunn. På vegne av regjeringen investerer vi 11,4 milliarder kroner i
Amedia er et stiftelseseid mediekonsern, og landets største utgiver av redaktørstyrte medier. Amedia har 106 nasjonale, regionale og lokale titler som daglig når mer enn to millioner lesere. Med mer enn 1.100 redaksjonelle medarbeidere over hele landet holdes våre lesere løpende oppdatert på nyheter
Omda is the leading provider of specialised software for healthcare in the Nordics with a growing presence in Europe, North America and the Pacific region. The company serves more than 500 customers in 27 countries and employs almost 300 dedicated specialists. Our highly specialised healthcare solut
Noria delivers insurance and banking solutions, provides IT consultancy services, and drives digital transformation for clients of all sizes across banking, insurance and finance. Insurance Solutions: With Nordic roots and a global reach, Noria’s end-to-end insurance software is deployable on-prem
AKOFS Offshore is a global provider of vessel based subsea well construction and intervention services to the oil and gas industry. Supporting our operations, we have a highly competent and diverse organization, covering all phases from conceptual development to project execution and offshore opera
Unil er NorgesGruppens merkevarehus og er ansvarlig for produktutvikling, kvalitetssikring, innkjøp, import, markedsføring og merkevarebygging. Vi har en portefølje på ca 4000 produkter. Unil AS er eid av NorgesGruppen.
Norfund - The Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries, is owned by the Norwegian Government and serves as an instrument in Norwegian development policy. Norfund contributes to poverty reduction and economic development in the poorest countries through investments in profitable businesses
Sprint er konsulentselskapet der entreprenørskap møter management consulting. Vår visjon er å bygge fremtidens selskaper. Vi hjelper selskaper å bli raskere, smidigere, mer innovative, mer bærekraftige, mer attraktive. Vi jobber med tidlig-fase innovasjon og nye forretningsmodeller, med kommersiali
Haavind is one of Norway’s leading law firms. The firm is located in central Oslo and provides legal services to businesses, covering all aspects of commercial law. Haavind is a full-service law firm with several of the largest companies in Norway, as well as public sector, as clients. Our goal is
We are changing the way you experience reality! Breach conducts research and development for VR, AR and XR platforms. We believe in the immense enabling potential of delivering virtual reality to browsers with WebVR. The Immersive Age is dawning, and we think it should be for everyone. The company
Advokatfirmaet Selmer was founded in 1985 and is one of the largest and most recognized corporate law firms in Norway. We provide business law advice accompanied by financial expertise and have a unique blend of professionals in the Norwegian law firm market. We have a large network within the priv
Haukeland universitetssjukehus har om lag 11.600 tilsette som kvar dag har som mål å gje best muleg behandling og pleie til pasientane våre. Våre tilsette er den viktigaste ressursen vår. Vi arbeider for å knytte til oss dei beste fagfolka og vil legge til rette for at alle tilsette skal trivast
Norkart offers market-leading solutions within municipal engineering, map and property information for the public and private sectors. They have Norway's most complete data warehouse for geographical information. The key to success lies in the proximity of the customer, the implementation force and