Explore 1,106 companies in Romania
In our hearts we consider ourselves curators of joy and happiness, because we believe that a holiday stands mostly for memorable experiences, togetherness and for sharing good time with the loved ones. Christian Tour is committed to fulfil the need of travelling, to make the journey as enjoyable, ac
Suntem lider în domeniul energiei în Europa de Sud-Est, unde deservim 8,7 milioane de clienți, cărora le furnizăm peste 35 TWh de energie. Punem în prim-plan responsabilitatea față de comunitățile unde activăm, față de mediul înconjurător și față de clienți și angajați deopotrivă. Ne-am făcut o miză
TECHNOVA INVEST is a Romanian privately owned company, founded in 1996, activating in the market of heating materials and equipments. Due to growing investments in the Romanian construction market, the company extended it’s coverage by opening 8 warehouses in Oradea, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Buchares
Sense8 is a digital technology and consulting agency catering to leading brands and agencies in the CEE region. A Google Marketing Platform Certified Technology Partner, and Google Cloud Partner, Sense8 provides professional technology, support, data, analytics, specialty media and consulting ser
Romstal, parte a Romstal Group este o companie specializată în comercializarea echipamentelor de instalații pentru construcții ce activează pe piețele din România, Moldova, Ucraina, Serbia și Bulgaria. În prezent, avem la nivel național o rețea de 57 de magazine, două centre logistice și peste 1.100
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INS Global is a complete HR solutions firm that helps companies expand, all over the globe.
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Mai ieftin, mai bun, mai aproape. Produsele PROFI pot satisface orice nevoie, de la produse proaspete cum ar fi iaurt, margarina, la produse de igiena, servetele umede, sampon, sapun lichid, de la mancare pentru caini la dulciuri.
Avaelgo is a full-service tech solution & managed services provider. Their focus is on delivering great customer experiences through transformative business solutions.They empower companies to redefine the way they do business by helping them choose the best available solutions, both short and long
Ontegra uses technology to provide complete digital solutions from prototypes to quality assurance/testing and product launch for pharma, automotive, IoT, construction, higher education and travel applications for customers in the UK, Germany, Belgium, Canada and the US. At Ontegra we: • Use state
Electrica is a Romanian state-owned company specialised in electric power supply and distribution.
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We are a specialized media and lead generation company focused on the iGaming industry. Our ethos centers around the conviction that genuine success is born from the collaborative efforts of skilled professionals. As we navigate the dynamic landscape of iGaming, we harness the combined expertise of
Crafting Software was born in 2015 from our desire to forge great digital products. The journey from idea to masterpiece is paved with trust, hard work and sprinkled with passion. Working with us comes with customized premium software solutions, unique partner care and a team of skilled software de
Inulta is helping businesses focus on their analytical potential by providing the right software solutions for real-time, robust, and relevant decision making. Combining EPM (Enterprise Performance Management), SCM (Supply Chain Management), SPM (Sales Performance Management) technical competences a
1 follower
ABS is a management consulting firm.
De azi inainte, lasa pe noi grija cumparaturilor tale. Ca e vorba de un frigider sau un televizor, detergenti, bauturi sau produse pentru bebelusul tau, le gasesti pe toate pe carrefour.ro.
Asociația pentru Valori în Educație este o organizație non-profit formată și finanțată de profesioniști din business, care împărtășesc convingerea că responsabilitatea pentru modernizarea educației publice este în egală măsură a societății civile, administrației publice dar și a comunității de aface
Autoworld has a long history of leadership in the automobile sector, spanning more than 30 years. Autoworld is one of Romania's major Volkswagen, Audi, and Volvo car dealerships, employing over 200 people across three sites. Employees at Autoworld work in a varied, dynamic, and fast-paced workplace
In the midst of a new stage of development for Southeast European cities, with ever positive prospects, new local & regional capital emerging and large international platforms having made major steps in the region, BUCHAREST REAL ESTATE CLUB has been set up to foster cross-regional business developm
Get ready to raise the stakes with Winner - the ultimate destination for young and thrill-seeking gamblers! We're all about taking risks and living life on the edge. Established in 2013, we’ve quickly become one of Romania's most well-known sports betting operators. Winner is the ultimate destinati
La Mobexpert, ne ocupăm de mobilă. De 25 de ani. Am promis să fim îndrăgostiți de ceea ce facem. Mult mai important este că și voi iubiți ceea ce facem. Iar pentru asta vrem să vă mulțumim.
AgroConcept is the exclusive importer and distributor of New Holland Agriculture and Kverneland brands in Romania. The main activities are: selling agricultural equipment, providing a full service support and advantageous financial solutions. AgroConcept has a national footprint of 16 regional cente
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Otto International Scan is a sourcing and trading company specialized in sourcing textile products, footwear and home good.
Vista Bank Romania este prezentă pe piața bancară din România începând cu anul 1998, fiind cunoscută anterior sub numele de Marfin Bank Romania. Cu o rețea de 31 de sucursale, Vista Bank oferă clienților persoane juridice medii și mari, precum și clienților persoane fizice cu venituri peste medie, s
ZIARUL FINANCIAR este liderul presei de business din România. De 25 ani pe piaţa românească, ZF oferă cititorilor semnificaţia evenimentelor recente şi anticipează evoluţiile din afaceri şi economie, prin ştiri, analize şi articole de opinie. Cea mai prestigioasă publicaţie economică din România,
Mastery in Software Engineering | Fortech is a software development company from Romania, providing top software development and software testing services.
Expur is one of the largest Romanian oil seed processing companies. Expur processes sunflower seeds and rapeseeds producing crude oil, refined oil, and protein meals. The oils are sold on the domestic and export markets and the protein meals are sold largely to Romanian retail customers and manuf
We form IT Freelancers in in the most awesome, professional and accessible way possible. We then prepare them to adapt and succeed in the newest and coolest global IT business contexts. We enhance their freelancing business with all the tools they need to generate profit and we offer them the contex
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Yawo Services offers a customized solution regarding freight forwarding! Based on your needs, we will find the best method for transporting the goods you are waiting for. Anywhere, anytime. So give us a call! :) Yawo Services vă propune o soluție pe...
Blitz, oferă o gamă completă de servicii imobiliare integrate, înainte, în timpul și după finalizarea tranzacției. Acoperă toate tipurile de solicitări și prezintă clienților o paletă largă de opțiuni, atât pe segmentul rezidențial, cât și pe cel comercial. Clienții Blitz au acces la un call center
REI Development Services este o companie tânără și modernă, fondata in anul 2016, ce oferă servicii de inaltă calitate, cu o experiență deosebită în asistență pentru clienți, dezvoltare software/jocuri și alte servicii legate de industria de gambling online. Obiectivul nostru principal este acela d
Smartree HrTech SA, strategic HR partner and leading provider in Romania of outsourcing payroll and personnel administration, with over 23 years of epertise on the market, has currently offices in Bucharest, Pitesti, and Craiova. Proprietary platforms of integrated software solutions dedicated to h
Elevate your well-being with Yoga Hugger's diverse offerings! 🌿✨ We bring you: 🧘♂️ Yoga Classes 🎶 Sound Healing 🌈 Energy Healing 🌬️ Breathwork 🏝️ Retreats & Trips 🎉 Events & Workshops 🧒 Kids Yoga 🤲 Private Sessions Catering to individuals, groups, and corporates, our transformative practic
Rezultatele unei companii depind de capacitatea de a atrage oameni potriviți în echipă și de a gestiona relațiile cu aceștia. Cu peste 13 ani de experiență în munca temporară, venim în sprijinul companiilor cu servicii complete de leasing de personal, care includ recrutare, administrare de personal
Involved in a variety of projects, Dapter's main expertise revolves around projects that use BIG DATA on a daily basis.
With every satisfied client, we go one step forward. Having the highest Microsoft certification level for Business Application, our mission is to help as many companies as possible to reach their full potential. Why do we think we can do it? We cover the entire ecosystem of Dynamics 365, we're spec
De aproape 23 ani, Cărturești redefinește așteptările pe care le avem de la o librărie. Dacă Borges avea dreptate, și Paradisul este o mare bibliotecă, noi încercăm să o aducem la picioarele cititorilor din România. De aceea, o vizită în oricare dintre librăriile Cărtureşti este o experienţă în sine
Our team is working on digital transformation solutions that help enterprises speed up critical business processes, improve operative decision making and ensure information security and compliance using Enterprise Content Management, Business Intelligence and Cloud technologies. The fme Group is hea
Founded in 1994 as a family business, Alka Co. was the first local coffee processor, through a direct investment of several millions euros. When other additional production and distribution companies were established, Alka Group was born. After almost two decades of continuous investments amounting
DENT ESTET offers premium dental services without compromising on the quality that has made it famous. All of this is aimed at helping you enjoy a shiny, beautiful, and healthy smile. DENT ESTET Clinics welcome you to 18 premium dental locations designed for adults, children, and teenagers. You wil
BeautyMed este cel mai mare distribuitor de echipamente medical-estetice din Romania. Leader revolutionar in industria echipamentelor medical-estetice, detinem in portofoliul nostru branduri si parteneri de incredere precum : Syneron Candela, FotoFinder, Cocoon Medical, Intraceuticals, Edge Systems,
We help organisations make future-conscious decisions based on a clear understanding of current realities and trends.
DontPayFull is a multinational coupon business headquartered in Romania with a strong service presence in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. It provides free coupons and discount offers to consumers doing their shopping online. Founders: The DontPayFull project was founded by
At Nordensa, our world-class scouts use the most advanced algorithms to find incredibly talented young football players from all over the world and bring them to Europe for trials. Football fans from all over the world sponsor their dream to play European football and get rewarded if the player gets
We transform the way people buy and sell second-hand devices. See more on: flip.ro
EasyDo every business process digitally, from a single suite of apps: EasyDo CMS Museums, art galleries and other institutions must find new ways to tell stories and engage their audiences. Being underfunded and understaffed is enough of a challenge, you shouldn’t also have your job made more diff
Milluu, prima platforma digitala din Romania de administrare proprietati
Globalworth was established in 2013 and over the years we became the largest office investor in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), having the leading position in our two main markets, Romania and Poland. We acquire, develop and manage commercial real estate assets, primarily in the office sector, wit