
Explore 1,105 companies in Romania



Our name says it all: Hospitality Software Development Services - we develop Web applications for some of the world’s leading Hospitality Players, from leading Hotel Brands, through OTA’s, to leading application providers in the Hospitality Industry. Our aim is to revolutionize the industry by offe

If you are looking to achieve GREATNESS in general and more specific with a DIGITAL PRODUCT then our goals align. We at Fabel are a team of passionate and dedicated people set on and creating Digital Products that people love to use. A diverse team of people passionate about crafting the best solut



Ne dorim să inspirăm și să ajutăm oamenii să lucreze mai ușor și mai eficient, să creăm mai multe opțiuni de alegere, în beneficiul tuturor celor implicați. Produsele noastre au un impact pozitiv asupra vieții a sute de mii de oameni în fiecare zi. Misiunea noastră este aceea de a ajuta oamenii să “

You have great recruitment plans and you want to move swiftly in a competitive market. You need to understand how to scope your recruitment, what to expect in terms of talent availability, salaries or time-to-fill. So you onboard the best talent in the shortest time possible. Brainspotting is the


HEITS is able to develop AI strategies through their own Data science journey – a customer-centric data science project methodology that identifies challenges for businesses and helps them implement their own AI roadmap.This method delivers high-performance models for large data science projects acr

We are a German company specialized in treatment of diabetes and its complications, especially diabetic neuropathy. The modern treatment of diabetes employs a holistic approach that also includes the treatment of its concomitant diseases. Thus, the treatment area of diabetic polyneuropathies, the l

ProCredit Bank is a development-oriented commercial bank. We offer excellent customer service to small and medium enterprises and to private individuals who would like to save. In our operations, we adhere to a number of core principles: We value transparency in our communication with our customers,

Casa Pariurilor


One of the leading companies on the Gaming market in Romania. The company has over 700 agencies throughout the country and is the second home to more than 1800 employees. In 2010, the company received the National Award given by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for its work in the Gaming industr

Ursus Breweries, is one of the largest breweries in Romania with three breweries in Romania, in Brasov, Buzau, and Timisoara, and a mini-production facility in Cluj-Napoca.



We transcribe conversations between doctors and patients in real time, creating a management platform for audio and text.

Mazars is an internationally integrated partnership, specialising in audit, accountancy, advisory, tax and legal services*. Operating in 95+ countries and territories around the world, we draw on the expertise of more than 47,000 professionals – 30,000+ in Mazars’ integrated partnership and 17,000+

At Automobile Bavaria, since 1994, we are committed to providing exceptional customer service and excellent vehicles to our customers. We believe that every customer deserves a premium car buying experience, and we are dedicated to making that a reality. We are determined to create a welcoming envir

Grupul EXPERT MIND, nominalizat cu locul I in Topul firmelor de contabilitate din Iași, oferă servicii complete de contabilitate, resurse umane, consultanță financiar – contabilă și servicii de înființări firme pentru entități cu diverse forme juridice: persoane fizice autorizate (PFA), societăți cu



eMail Marketing Expertise | Mastering Marketing Automation | Crafting Loyal eCommerce Journeys

easySales Global


easySales is a plug& play eCommerce solution for multichannel and automation. easySales connects merchants with marketplaces in just a few clicks, helping them grow their sales and expanding internationally. easySales is solving a major painpoint of merchants manually managing listings and orders ac

Gapminder VC


GapMinder is a Venture Capital Fund, targeting IT Software and Services start-ups in Romania and Central Eastern Europe

Civitas Group


Civitas is the leader of the private security services segment in Romania, with almost 30 years of experience, national coverage and some of most advanced security technology solutions available in Romania. • +1,460 clients • + 5,000 secured locations • Integrated security services & state-of-the-a



BIS SOFT Delivers Efficient Custom Software Solutions that Grows Your Bottom Line In today’s business environment, every moment counts. You need to complete projects quicker, meet schedules, and always be on the lookout for ways to come in under budget. To accomplish this, you must evaluate every a



Bioeel's history began in Targu Mures in 1992, as a manufacturer of medicines and cosmetics. A company with fully private capital, Bioeel has become an integral part of the local community of Targu Mures. Since then and until today, Bioeel has known a continuous development, expanding it's activity

With over two decades of experience, our team of experts delivers personalized digital marketing solutions that drive measurable results. From optimizing your ROI to conducting detailed competitive analysis, we tailor our strategies to fit your brand's needs. At Kondiment, we embrace the potential



INTUITEXT este compania de software educaţional a grupului Softwin şi unul dintre cei mai inovatori producători internaţionali de lecţii pe calculator. Produsele educaţionale în format electronic dezvoltate de INTUITEXT sunt adaptate exigenţelor de învăţare ale noilor generaţii de elevi, transformân

GSH Online Media


GSH Online Media generates high quality leads for iGaming operators using a multitude of affiliate websites, targeting both sports and casino verticals. The flagship brands currently owned by GSH are BetBrain, also known as the biggest odds comparison in the market and SlotCalendar, the IMDb of onli



Barklav (Romania) – is a joint venture company between the Torvald Klaveness – Group and former Barber International Group (actual Wilhelmsen Ship Management) established on 17th of May 2000, who wants to be recognized as market leader in supply of “state – of – art “ manning services with competit


0 followers provides data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, ecommerce, and marketing services. They also provide AI product recommendations engine and behavioural segmentation tool services.

Guard One


VIZIUNE Setarea unor noi standarde de excelenta in industria de securitate romaneasca, contribuind astfel la cresterea gradului de satisfactie al clientilor, la dezvoltarea profesionala continua a angajatilor si la protejarea aspiratiilor comunitatii in care activam. VALORI Integritate, Inovatie, S

0 followers este magazinul tau online care comercializeaza cafea, capsule de cafea, espressoare de cafea ceai, ciocolata calda si accesorii pentru ca sa savurezi bautura preferata . Infiintata in 2015 Hanseatic Kontor SRL este proprietara a siteului care promoveaza calitatea la cele mai



QI COSMETICS™ is the market brand of ABV Qi Ecosmetics, an independent Romanian company developing, producing and marketing natural organic beauty products for woman and men. Product range covers, but is not limited to, skincare, haircare and makeup, including spa. QI COSMETICS™ products are formu

We call ourselves Perfect Care Distribution, a dynamic company based on quality and value, a company that innovates and distributes medical products in the national and international market since 2012. We always are in compliance with the global regulations and quality requirements. We value and res

Ogre AI

1 follower

Ogre AI is a data science company specializing in machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions



Vertify is a creative SEO and Content Marketing agency that delivers business growth through one of the most scalable marketing channels for online brands -- Organic Search. Whether local or international B2C and B2B companies, the agency collaborates with e-commerce retailers, service providers, p

ELBA Lighting


Susținem inovația în procesul de dezvoltare a iluminatului general și de automotive, având o tradiție de aproape 100 de ani în domeniu.



Catalyst focuses on recruiting and employer branding programs for large Romanian and multinationals.



Open Banking at work for businesses. Enterprise class financial data provider, helping mid sized companies leverage open banking.

Electrocons Group este un grup de companii românești de top, cu peste 21 de ani de experiență în proiectarea și execuția instalațiilor electrice pentru clădiri civile și industriale. De la centre de afaceri și cartiere rezidențiale, până la rețele de iluminat public și hale industriale, Electrocons

Electroarges SA


Electroarges SA is a Romania-based company engaged in the manufacture of electric domestic appliances. It divides its products in few groups: household appliances; home appliances; professional items for hotels, institutions and for industrial purposes; electrical portable tools; devices, tools and

Electroprecizia SA is a Romania-based company primarily active in the production of electric motors and electric and electronic equipment. The Company's portfolio includes three phase asynchronous electric motors; electric motors with two, three and four speeds; single phase asynchronous motors; gen

Aleph News


Aleph News este primul canal de social television din seria Aleph. Aleph News este dedicat spectatorului smart, educat și suficient material. Cel care vrea să știe. Conținutul canalului oglindește sfera intereselor acestui target. Programele de știri și de analiză sunt create după obiceiurile de con



Go the extra mile. Together. Our road towards the future of mobility starts here. Join the ride and let’s explore together where it leads us. Discover Movium and the power of a true partnership that can shape and change the future of mobility. Our ever-evolving platform and app are designed to fl



Codespring is a software development and outsourcing company from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Codespring provides exquisite services of software development, software outsourcing, software testing, IT Outsourcing, IT Security, customer assistance and mobile development. Codespring offers added value th



DevOps Tools & Site Reliability Robot - A single platform that any developer can use, to increase their agility.



Established in 1962, IMSAT employs more than 1000 people and expects a turnover of EURO 60M

Provably Fair


Provably Fair offers to-market solutions focus on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies engineering, marketing, and customer support.



Rodbun e cel mai ambițios proiect din agricultura românească. Ne dorim să integram toate componentele farmingului de succes: vânzarea de produse si servicii, testarea celor mai moderne tehnologii, consultanta, soluții eficiente de valorificare a recoltei.



Profluo is a complete ML-based invoice processing solution - processing by invoice line - products, accounts, controlling dimensions is aimed to be the biggest ExpoCongress in Europe. Based on our 10 years experience in Global Events, our team is planning a complete tour of knowledge, gathering together all the areas of the Crypto ecosystem: DeFi Finance, Web3.0 projects, Exchanges, Tokenization, Fintech, Dev

MetLife la nivel global Am pornit acum 150 de ani, din America și ne-am angajat să oferim instrumente concrete pentru clienţii noștri, astfel încât aceştia să poată face alegerile importante din viaţa lor în siguranță şi să trăiască fiecare moment la maximum. Cu această misiune, ca obiectiv, am ajun

Teatrul Mic


Teatru clasic, emoţionant, amuzant, complex - Teatrul Mic. Un loc în care puteţi evada din rutină pentru a intra în poveste. O scenă deschisă, care stă sub semnul valorii. Cu o istorie fascinantă, la nivelul căreia încercăm să fim şi azi.



Medcenter vă pune la dispoziție peste 3.000 de analize medicale de laborator și interpretarea analizelor medicale la clinicile Medcenter. Diagnostic și tratament într-un singur loc!



Tratarea, distributia apei potabile, respectiv, colectarea si tratarea apelor uzate menajere si pluviale in mai multe orase din judetul Mures, Harghita

Dacris România


În 25 de ani, peste 4 milioane de oameni și peste 15.000 de companii au folosit unul dintre cele 1.7 miliarde de produse livrate de Dacris. Oferim soluții pentru birouri și oamenii acestora din anul 1994, pentru afaceri mari sau mici, din zone urbane sau rurale, din clădiri de birouri, hub-uri de a