
Explore 1,105 companies in Romania



Undelucram is a recruitment agency.

Cumpana 1993 SRL


Companie cu 100% capital românesc, Cumpăna a fost înființată în 23 iunie 1993 din dorința de a aduce mai aproape de oameni prospețimea apei de izvor. Pionieri pe piața locală în livrarea apei naturale de izvor și a sistemelor tip watercooler, Cumpăna se poziționează astăzi ca un furnizor de soluții



Cine suntem? Suntem o mână de antreprenori și profesioniști în domeniul e-commerce cu circa 10 ani de experiență și cu expertiză pe diverse domenii. Am descoperit treptat ce înseamnă logistica e-commerce, ne-am lovit de toate problemele care pot apă...

jpard Solutions


jpard is a full stack enterprise commerce solutions provider, in a mission to deliver great and to lift its clients’ businesses for the opportunities of digitalization. Located in the city of Cluj Napoca, Romania, with a track record of more than 40 commerce consulting and implementation projects



Co-Factor este una dintre cele mai creative companii de tehnologie din România, distinsă cu numeroase premii. Performanța Co-Factor nu este o întâmplare și dovedim acest lucru cu fiecare nouă provocare, livrând rezultate printr-o platformă unică în piață, centrată pe angajat. Misiunea noastră este s

The first pre-seed and accelerator fund in Romania. We invest in relentless founders with bold visions. Risky Business is established to support promising early stage startups with the resources to grow into regional and global, sustainable tech firms. In addition to intensive and high-quality c

Digital advertising services, website development and professional photography services.



Blacksys este o companie de dezvoltare și consultanță în IT, fondată în 2011, cu o experiență de peste 10 ani în implementarea de soluții de digitalizare. Suntem parteneri certificați JobRouter și DocuWare, cu o echipă cu vastă experiență în digitalizarea afacerilor din domenii variate - IT, producț

Mecanica Ceahlau SA is a Romania-based company engaged in the manufacture of agricultural machinery. The Company's portfolio includes soil preparation machines, including reversible and conventional ploughs, disk harrows, compactors and machines for breaking up soil; seeding machines, such as pneuma

TechTalent is an IT consulting company based in Bucharest, Romania. Backed by more than 500 tech specialists and serving Forbes 50 and Fortune 500 Global companies, we pride ourselves with a complete offering, excellent services, and on-time delivery. We are powered by Arnia Software, a tech company



AI-powered Visual Development Platform

Various Brands


Various Brands is a multi-brand concept store present on the market since 2007. With a strategic approach, focused on its client base needs and constant retail investments, Various Brands has grown in a national store network with 27 locations in 21 cities. Nowadays, Various Brands is the biggest s



Daca tie iti place, e perfect. Haine online, incaltaminte din piele naturala, accesorii. Transport 12 lei. Newsletter.



Strongbytes provides solution delivery services around AI/Machine Learning driven capabilities. We help customers define the right Machine Learning use case for their business, building and training predictive models. One of our core strengths is also making these models operational, by creating sca



MEDICLIM is a import and distribution company for medical equipment, supplies and reagents for laboratories in Romania, founded in Bucharest in 1994.



5 star datacenter and cloud services provider at the heart of Europe. Hyperscale State of the Art infrastructure for Artificial Intelligence & Big data. Guaranteed services availability and performance, High grade security. Tier III Uptime Institute Certification. Energy efficiency- PUE 1.1, Extrem

Misiunea, respectiv scopurile fundamentale ale Federaţiei sunt următoarele: (1) Reprezentarea unitară, susţinerea, apărarea şi promovarea sistematică a intereselor legitime ale membrilor afiliaţi, în relaţiile cu autorităţile publice, cu sindicatele şi cu alte persoane juridice şi fizice, atât pe p

ROLDA, a charity devoted to saving the abused and neglected animals in Romania. 💖💛💙🐶 OUR MISSION - Rescue street dogs of Romania from starvation, abuses and death - Provide adequate shelter and necessary veterinarian care for our homeless fellow canines - Fight against corruption and cruelty in



Recycle today for a better tomorrow. The virtual place where you can manage all of your waste operations and data.

Parte activa a unui grup la nivel international, cu o bogata experienta in Siguranta, Calitate si Protectia mediului, TÜV AUSTRIA ROMANIA este un partener competent pentru economie, industrie si autoritati. Trasaturile importante ale grupului – orientarea catre client si abilitatea de a oferi servic

Hamilton Company Hamilton has been a leading global manufacturer for more than 60 years, with headquarters in Reno, Nevada; Franklin, Massachusetts; Timisoara, Romania; Bonaduz, Switzerland; and subsidiary offices throughout the world. Hamilton Company specializes in the development, manufacturing



ialoc is an online booking platform for restaurants, bars or coffee places.

The National Cyber Security Directorate replaces the Romanian National Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CERT-RO) and will have a much wider range of responsibilities, adapted to the needs of an ever-moving and developing world. DNSC is to take over the staff, infrastructure and tasks of the fo



IULIUS Company is a developer and operator specialized in mixed-use urban regeneration projects based in Romania, with 25-plus years of real estate experience and operating in four major Romanian cities, namely Iași, Timișoara, Cluj-Napoca, and Suceava. The company portfolio comprises more than 310

Connecting with enterprises and start-ups. AIESEC develops leadership among youth aged 18 to 30 and contributes to strengthening the global employability market through providing an end-to-end international talent recruitment solution. AIESEC is the world's largest youth-run organization developing

Nenos Software


🚀 Quick Team Ramp-Up We are well-versed in a variety of project management and collaboration tools. We have the ability to smoothly and quickly adapt to those used by your company. 💬 Smooth Communication Our specialists have proven experience in their functional areas and can convey complex con



Oil sludge treatment Rehabilitation of contaminated sites Drilling waste management & Solids Control Water & wastewater treatment solutions Hazardous & Non-hazardous waste management Waste management solutions Industrial cleaning & Maintenance Industrial cleaning Tank cleaning Intervention on spills

Teraplast SA


Teraplast SA is a Romania-based company engaged in the manufacture of plastic construction supplies and fixtures. The Company divides its products into four main groups: Infrastructure, Granules, Installation & Decorations and Joinery Profiles. The Company's portfolio includes polyvinyl chloride (PV



Why: We believe that every company, regardless of size, should have access to the best-customized SOC (Security Operation Center) solution at an affordable price. How: To achieve this, we apply specific rules and "security sensors" to each ecosystem we monitor and defend in order to address specifi

Life in Codes


We help teams focus on what they know best, by providing the tools and know-how to work more efficiently.



You make sure that the textile products are flawless. We take care of the finishes. Limpar treats and washes any type of textile material. It doesn't matter the color, composition or texture. We do softening, peeling, bleaching, enzymatic, stain removal, dyeing, pre-washing, light washing treatments

Scoli si gradinite private(Spectrum), liceele internationale de informatica din Bucuresti si Constanta, Universitatea Lumina, International School of Bucharest



We are a fast growing and innovative internet development company, with over 15 years of international experience in building and maintaining web-based projects.

ELSA Industry


Our vision is sustainable carbon-neutral aviation, supporting the development of environmentally friendly means of transportation. This is present throughout the lifecycle of our products. We focus on the engineering and manufacturing of composite components and structures for lighter, more efficie

Mogo România


Mogo is a vehicle financier offering tailor-made loan solutions for the mobility needs of individuals and companies. Mogo operates in Romania since 2016 and is a part of Eleving Group - an international FinTech founded in 2012 and currently operating in 14 countries across three continents with a te

FOUNDERS: AMBASSADOR RONALD S. LAUDER & TOVA BEN NUN-CHERBIS Providing multicultural and Jewish education is our primary goal. Learn from the past, understand the present, and prepare for tomorrow. Phone: 031.438.20.53; 031.805.5772 E-mail: Timeline 1996 – The Ronal



We combine the knowledge of the telecom industry with the goal to offer a full suite of wholesale and retail voice services designed to meet the ever changing needs of our valued clients. The name Zaheen means in Arabic: intelligent, ambitious and creative altogether. We chose to name our organiz

Nova Power & Gas


Furnizăm României energie electrică și gaze naturale. Cu o experiență de peste 17 ani pe piața de energie electrică și gaze naturale, Nova Power & Gas răspunde nevoilor consumatorilor printr-o ofertă integrată de servicii, în care eficientizarea consumului și a costurilor sunt obiectivele principale

Evolution MedTec


Evolution MedTec is an engineering services provider (electronic, mechanical, software and optical development) for the medical and industrial markets. The company holds a wealth of expertise in all stages of medical product development, from concept design through regulatory and product launch, as

Digitalya OPS


Digitalya is a top software development company based in Iasi. With over 52 worldwide web and mobile applications, their goal is to help people achieve their dream of being successful tech entrepreneurs. Digitalya can be your reliable tech partner. Their services include: Design Sprint Product and


1 follower

INVOX is a call attribution software that helps data-driven marketers and agencies around the world to improve call conversion rate by showing which marketing effort are wasting money.

Romanian R&D Institute for Gas Turbines COMOTI is the only unit in Romania specialized in development and integration of scientific research, constructive and technological design, manufacturing, experimentation, testing, technological transfer and innovation in the field of aviation turbine engines

25 years ago, Antena 1 was launched as the first commercial TV station in Romania based on 100% local capital, offering the viewers an alternative to public broadcasting. Its parcours has been filled with local premieres, from the first teletext service to the premier live transmission from a helico

Enterprise E-commerce Solutions

Professional people, quality brands, logistics performance CONEX Distribution was established in 2003, as a specialized developer and distributor of accessories and parts for Dacia cars under private brands and shortly became one of the most important developers and distributors of products for Rom

Gral Medical


Site oficial Gral Medical

The League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS) is an open platform of dialogue and action for Romanian students and alumni around the world. Our primary purpose is to promote our members'​ academic, professional, social, civic, and cultural interests, and to facilitate their individual and collect

La Coders Lab, suntem mai mult decât o instituție educațională; suntem o poartă către viitorul muncii în industria IT. Suntem specializați în cursuri online cuprinzătoare: Java, JavaScript, Python, Testare Manuală, Testare Automată și Design UX/UI, personalizate pentru persoanele care doresc să-și r



East-European mobile phone company. Also known as ZAPP Romania. It operates on 450MHz being a CDMA network. It is the only CDMA network in Europe with 3G+ mobile data transfer capabilities. Starting from October 1-st, ZAPP Romania is part of Cosmote Group (OTE Greece).