
Explore 6,544 companies in Sweden

Instant Systems

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Every client we meet or product we do is opportunity to employ our curiosity for latest technologies, to flex our analytical minds and to explore our clients different visions and markets.



Ingager is a fast-growing digital communications agency exclusively focused on the Facebook platform. Using in-house technology, Ingager provides its clients throughout Europe with profitable and measurable marketing services on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. The company has offices i



Convendum provides private offices, cowork offices, lounge, and conference.

Under Your Skin


Under Your Skin is where all beauty products ultimately end up. We want to eliminate harmful chemicals from skincare. The revolution starts right here, with organic products that really work.


1 follower

Bolon is a third generation Swedish family company driven by innovation, passion and a strong urge to change the traditional flooring industry. This has made Bolon into a global player, with representation at high-end stores, luxury hotels and well-known brands all over the world as Armani, Google,



Elanders is a global supplier with a broad range of services of integrated solutions in supply chain management.



Aritco Lift is a world leading manufacturer of home lifts and public lifts. Since the start of the company, over 30,000 lifts have been installed. Aritco Lift has over 160 partners in over 40 countries worldwide. Aritco Lift produces two types of lifts; Home lifts for the private residential market



Loopia is one of Scandinavia’s largest providers of web hosting and domain names. We help you and your company to get started online with your website, email and online store - quickly and easily.

MKB Fastighets AB is a non-profit housing company that develops and manages housing with tenancies


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Novacura is a human-centric IT-company using services and software to streamline and simplify customers' business-critical processes and ERP platforms. The company's focus is all about how the customers can improve their entire business by making them experts in business process efficiency. Its soft

Vi hjälper dig skapa framgång inom försäljning & ledarskap. Läs mer om våra skräddarsydda utbildningar och öppna kurser på Mercuri.se.


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We reveal the world for what it is – by enabling new perspectives through detailed imaging. Sensrad is a spin-out venture from Qamcom Group’s Radar division and offers a unique imaging radar sensor based on the latest software and hardware technology, including the leader radar chipset from Arbe Ro

Valsea IT


Valsea IT is a global technology consultancy that delivers engaging digital experiences to clients. The company integrates software design and engineering to create advanced, innovative, data-driven technological solutions. Valsea IT was founded in 2018 and is based in Stockholm, Stockholm County.

SmartCella, founded in 2014, is an innovative biotechnology company based in Stockholm, Sweden. SmartCella’s vision is to combine first-in-class delivery platforms with cutting-edge cell and gene therapies to unleash the full potential of targeted therapies. The company has three main business units


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Qualisys is a leading provider of motion capture technology and has a long history of supplying our customers with high-end camera systems and expertise in capturing and analyzing movements. Our customers are found within Life Sciences, Engineering and Entertainment. The technology is used both in R


1 follower

Vitec is the market leader for Vertical Market Software in the Nordic region. They develop and deliver standard niche software. Vitec grows through acquisitions of well-managed and well-established software companies.

CBRE Sweden

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CBRE är Sveriges dominerande fastighetsrådgivare. CBRE Group Inc. är världens största företag inom fastighetsrådgivning. Vi delar med oss av vår erfarenhet, kunskap och vår vardag på Sveriges Fastighetsblogg, www.sverigesfastighetsblogg.se, CBRE Swedens konton i Sociala medier och på vår hemsida hem


1 follower

Advania is “The tech company with people at heart”, operating across Sweden, Norway, UK, Iceland, Finland and Denmark. With over 5,000 talents, we offer Managed services, Hardware and Software, and Professional Services to clients in both private and public sectors.


1 follower

FirstVet is a digital veterinary clinic offering video meetings with veterinarians, directly in your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Myresjöhus AB

1 follower

Med 90 års erfarenhet som hustillverkare kan vi bygga hus. Vi har tomter till salu i hela Sverige, vilket ger dig valfrihet – var du än vill bo. Välkommen till oss!

East Capital

1 follower

East Capital, founded in 1997, bases its investment strategy on thorough knowledge of the markets, fundamental analysis and frequent company visits by its investment teams

Open Infra


Open Infra builds, manages and develops fiber infrastructure for households, companies and municipalities in Sweden, Germany and the United States.

All Ears


All Ears lets you automatically monitor and measure your brand in the new media landscape.


1 follower

Rottneros AB is a Sweden-based producer and supplier of customized pulp. They have an annual production capacity of 406,000 tonnes of high quality pulp, produced at two specialised mills in Sweden, Vallvik Mill and Rottneros Mill. The Group is also active in Northern Europe within the fast growing s

Expandia Moduler


Expandia är en av marknadens största leverantör av tillfälliga lokaler. Våra flyttbara moduler kombineras till nyckelfärdiga förskolor, skolor, kontor och boenden, precis enligt kundens önskemål. Vi hjälper även till med allt från ritningar, bygglov och markarbeten till el, VVS och montage. Dessutom

Mikrodust AB


Are you looking for a test solution with quick test times in a compact format? At Mikrodust we believe we can bring the best quality to your products with efficient process control, enabling our customers to be more competitive in a global market. The AtoMik® Platform entails self-developed, stand

AB Karl Hedin


AB Karl Hedin är en svensk familjeägd sågverk, emballage och handelskoncern med verksamhet i Sverige och Baltikum. Företaget grundades under 1900-talets början och har idag ca 850 anställda och en omsättning på drygt 2,8 miljarder kronor. Produktionen är totalt ca 650 000 m³sv, varav 200 000 m³ u


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Hitta.se is a search company that helps to find people, places, and companies. It also offers services such as maps, directions, street pictures, satellite images and much more that help to find the right one both via the web and mobile.

Sparbanken Skåne is a present bank for the people, the business community and the local community. By combining the best with Sparbanken 1826, Färs & Frosta Sparbank and parts of Sparbanken Öresund, we have created a strong regional savings bank with local offices for private and corporate customers

Vilhelmina kommun, beläget i södra Lapplandsfjällen, är en levande inlandskommun med skog och fjäll, en mångfacetterad kultur och många sociala sammanhang, nära och personligt. Vi hittar ständigt nya vägar till utveckling trots dagens utmaningar. Vilhelmina, helt enkelt!



Svenska Cellulosa AB is a Swedish timber, pulp and paper manufacturer with headquarters in Sundsvall.

EcoTech Solutions - your partner for shaping a sustainable energy future. With tailor-made solar cell solutions, advanced energy storage, support services for the power grid and charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, we enable self-sufficiency, reduce climate impact and support the green re

Optimera är en svensk bygghandelskedja för yrkeskunder och har idag ett femtiotal byggvaruhus i Sverige och säte i Malmö. Optimera har cirka 800 anställda och omsätter cirka 3,3 miljarder SEK. Optimera finns även i Danmark, Norge, Estland samt Lettland och ägs av den franska koncernen Saint-Gobain



KvinnoKapital is a network of women within the asset management and asset management related industries in the Nordics. The industry has come a long way in gender equality, but there is still room for improvement and women as well as men have the power and knowledge to close the diversity gap. We b



Acumant is a strategic partner dedicated to driving organizations forward with innovative and future-ready solutions. We specialize in carefully tailored and scalable Microsoft solutions. Beyond conventional boundaries, our commitment extends to seamlessly integrate sustainability, data, and AI solu

Kreab Worldwide

1 follower

With 50 years of experience in strategic communications, we are proud to say that we have played an integral part in shaping the business landscape as we know it today. As advisors we can identify issues and find solutions that facilitate better decision making, allowing your business to operate to

C2Solutions AB


Välkommen till C2Solutions, den oberoende specialisten som säkrar din information! Våra kunder fokuserar på det de kan bäst – sin kärnverksamhet – trygga i att deras information hanteras på ett säkert sätt. Behovet av informationsskydd innebär olika saker i olika delar av samhället. Vi hittar all



Löplabbet is a fast-growing reseller for running shoes and equipment founded in 1984. Our business is built on the fact that every foot and every stride is unique, and that your shoes must be individually selected. Visit us at www.loplabbet.se



Ingela.com - The Financial Flexibility Platform


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Savr is an operator of a digital financial platform.



Pigello is a comprehensive property management platform with a focus on a user-friendly interface and automated processes.


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BrightBid is an AdTech company that provides advertising services on Google with an AI solution.

Pythagoras AB


Ditt visuella fastighetssystem för att hantera strategisk information inom Property, Real Estate och Facilities Management.


1 follower

Indutrade acquires companies with technical nice expertise. Indutrade today comprises nearly 200 companies in 31 countries on four continents, with combined annual sales of approximately SEK 15 billion and they have some 6,000 employees worldwide.

WE DONATE OUR PROFIT TO CHILDREN IN NEED Story House Egmont, formerly known as Egmont Publishing, is a leading and long-standing Nordic media company. We create engaging content, high-quality products, innovative services and inspiring events in our three key areas – Media, Agencies and E-commerce.



Vimla is a platform that provides mobile telephony solutions. Its mobile subscription enables users to change data level, change call level, pause subscription, and finish the subscription.The company was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Solna, Stockholm.

AB Trav och Galopp is a horse racing totalizator board that provides betting on horse racing in Sweden and internationally.

Nima Energy


NIMA Energy's focus is to plan and provide future charging infrastructure within the Nordics and Northern Europe. Our charging solutions will be pinpointed at sites with suitable grid capabilities as well as expected future demand.

Nordic Issuing


Som emissionsinstitut och kontoförande institut i Euroclear Sweden AB samt VP Securities A/S kan vi erbjuda ett brett utbud av emissionstjänster. Vi arbetar med fokus på den noterade miljön men kan också bistå vid små transaktioner i onoterade bolag.

Vattenfall Eldistribution AB distribuerar el till hushåll, företag och samhälle – dygnet runt, året om. Vårt elnät är över 12 000 mil långt och distribuerar el till nästan 900 000 kunder i Sverige. Vi möjliggör energiomställningen genom ett effektivt elnät som möter behoven av nätkapacitet, el- och