Explore 6,544 companies in Sweden
The leading provider of credential management systems for businesses of all sizes.
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46elks offers a platform and tools for developers to integrate telephony infrastructure such as voice, SMS, and MMS into their applications.
Nordberg Medical is a European group headquartered in Sweden that is focused on the production and sale of fully absorbable biomaterial-based medical devices. Nordberg Medical was founded in 2016 by the CEO Jack Yu, PhD, at the Science Park at Karolinska Institute, one of the world's leading medical
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NE / Brockhaus aims to be the leading digital education provider in its markets. We are a SaaS in the educational sector, mainly focused on B2B (schools and districts).By combining our great content assets with leading technology we are providing innovative and user-friendly services for teachers an
Epitome is a software consultant company where you and your needs are in focus. We recruit globally; what matters is your personality and competence. For us it is important to have fun at work and that we feel a sense of belonging. Epitome will support you and the people that makes up the company,
We are one of the leading credit management service companies in the Nordics. An innovative technology-oriented company that as a service provider always is at the forefront of development. By offering the right solution, we secure long term sustainable relationships between our customers and their
Bredband2 offers broadband, communication equipment, and software sales services.
SCN AB is a distributor of components and systems in Northern Europe within the business areas: - Factory Automation - Mobile Machines - Defence & Aero - Medical & Life Science - Power & Renewable Energy - Embedded Systems - Marine & Offshore - Infrastructure SCN is an independent supplier of comp
Nextmune is a science-driven, global specialty pharmaceutical company dedicated to better health for dogs, cats and horses. We have a passion for allergy, dermatology and specialized nutrition. Our business is at the forefront of allergy diagnostics and immunotherapy.
Proptech, IoT, OT, Edge, AI, Digital Twin, Sustainability, Impact, and Energy Optimization
Social curation platform and discovery tool for podcasts, videos, articles.
Bazooka digital agency has been around since 1996 and is one of Sweden's first digital agencies. Today, we offer many years of experience in how to plan, design, build and launch successful and innovative digital solutions. Awarded in agency of the year 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Do you want to d
NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB is a leader in mitochondrial medicine. From genetic mitochondrial disorders to cancer and metabolic diseases such as NASH.
Innovation in Precision Motion Solutions. Do you need high accuracy or have tight space requirements in your project? We have the solutions for you. Our products can achieve extreme precision and have a compact design. We are delivering precision motion solutions for Life Science Instrumentation, M
Our mission is simple, to liberate wine producers from slow and inefficient corporate structures, to liberate restaurateurs from uninspiring collaborations, and liberate the Swedish wine lover from a mediocre wine experience. We aspire to work with the local heroes from every interesting wine regio
Get personalised videos from your favourite profiles! Choose between superstars and local celebrities. On memmo, you'll find something for all occasions!
Abliva develops medicines for the treatment of primary mitochondrial diseases.
Om Semper AB: Det välkända varumärket Semper borgar för samma höga kvalitet som det gjort sedan starten 1939. Semper har ca 300 medarbetare i Sverige, Finland, Norge, Danmark och huvudkontoret ligger i Sundbyberg. Företaget ingår i den internationella livsmedelskoncernen Hero Group, som har drygt
The Two-Way PRM to unlock revenue growth from your ecosystem. Journeybee is the all-in-one partner relationship management platform that engages your go-to-market teams. Partnerships, Sales and Marketing teams no longer have to work in siloed environments. Discover the future of co-selling with ou
Vi tar företag framåt! Med lång erfarenhet av järnväg och moderna marknadsanpassade strategier skapar vi affärsnytta för våra kunder. ProTrain levererar utbildningar och bemannar med förare, växlare och tillsyningsmän för både persontransporter och godstransporter. Med tillstånd som järnvägsföreta
Ortoma Treatment Solution™ (OTS™) is an orthopedic digital, server-based integrated AI platform designed to optimize patient outcomes through surgical planning, precision surgical navigation, post-operative verification, and follow-up. This platform is used at the point of care and provides immediat
Vi tar ansvar för el, styr, larm och data. AW Elteam har sedan starten 1982 hjälpt fastighetsägare och byggföretag med servicearbete, nyinstallationer och renoveringar inom bostads- kontors- och industrifastigheter. Vår värdegrund bygger på långsiktiga relationer med kunder leverantörer och medarbet
Systemair is a leading ventilation company. We manufacture and market a wide range of high-quality products your ventilation solutions.
SolidEngineer AB is a company which provides services like 3D CAD SolidWorks, Business Development and Methodology Development
Conapto offers scalable, secure and sustainable data center colocation as well as the cloud connectivity needed for companies and managed service providers to produce and deliver digital services in a hybrid IT-environment. Our services Colocation - Secure and fossil free data center colocation with
Francks has been at the forefront of the development of industrial technical solutions that ensure customers' productivity while assisting in the reduction of energy consumption for a lower environmental impact.
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Bambora journey began a few years ago. As a group of willing, enthusiastic entrepreneurs, They understood that payment solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were far from simple. With too many vendors and even more interfaces out there, we envisioned a much easier experience for bu
Rippler is a creative and award-winning communication agency in Stockholm. Our belief is that communication that drives business is more about what you do than what you say. In other words – we believe that communication investments always should provide maximum efficiency, profitability and impress
Windon Energy Group AB Windon är en pionjär inom förnybar energi i Sverige och en av få svenska producenter av solcellspaneler. Vi är en systemleverantör och tillhandahåller kompletta system för solcellsanläggningar. Våra kunder är huvudsakligen svenska installatörer, men vi riktar oss även till
Lipigon Pharmaceuticals is specialized in fat metabolism and develops new blood lipids.
Immunovia AB is a diagnostic company that is developing and commercializing highly accurate blood tests for the early detection of cancer and autoimmune diseases based on Immunovia’s proprietary test platform called IMMray™.
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Bahnhof publ AB is a Sweden-based Internet network and telecommunication operator that offers data transmission and broadband services for both corporate and private customers. The Company offers broadband, server services, information technology (IT) operation services, as well as hosting services
In 2004, out of sincere love and profound admiration for the true artisan spirits of Mexico and its gastronomic culture, AliasSmith was founded. The purpose was, to educate consumers, distributors, and traders about gastro-cultural treasures and make the products accessible to the world. Much has
Dinair AB is a manufacturer and supplier of air filters.
Blockchain technology securing integrity of digital data in a #PostTruth era
SeaTwirl is a new ocean based wind power technology developed.
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John Deere är den marknadsledande skogsmaskintillverkaren i världen. Vi har verksamhet i ett stort antal länder med tillverkning av skogsmaskiner i Finland och USA. John Deere Forestry är det svenska återförsäljarbolaget av skogsmaskiner med huvudkontor i Arlandastad. John Deere & Company grundade
With our unique approach to financial challenges, we help our clients achieve financial freedom. We provide our customers with the tools they need in order reach their financial goals in the best way possible, feeling calm and in control all along the way. As an independent advisor, we always offer
Why we exist. To combine the expertise of industry veterans with the latest ideas from the new generation of developers. Who are we. Our aim is to be the respected frontrunners of connected entertainment. We’re building a studio culture where great ideas can come from anywhere. Our values. Lead
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Helios Nordic Energy is a developer of utility-scale solar PV projects.
Hammarskiöld is a business law firm. The firm’s lawyers have broad experience across the range of legal issues that companies can expect to confront. Although the core of the firm’s practice focuses on Swedish law, the firm also has substantial expertise in advising on or handling the international
Hitta telefonnummer och adresser till företag och privatpersoner. Sök tjänster, produkter, kontaktuppgifter, kartor, vägbeskrivningar och gatuvyer.
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet är en statlig myndighet med regeringens uppdrag att främja kunskapen, forskningen och intresset för vår värld. Myndigheten är en framstående forskningsinstitution och Sveriges största museum. Museet har under mer än 200 år samlat in föremål och data och bedrivit forskning
Seventy is a brand and business design agency with offices in Stockholm and Shanghai.We create value for our customers through businesses that transform and grow, and brands that engage with captivating experiences
At its core, Edda is about changing the game for authors and publishers. We are here to introduce a solution that directly addresses the financial challenges authors and publishers face, reshaping the publishing landscape for the better.
Strömbergs verksamhet består av att leda och säkra våra kunders behov av effektiva lösningar för kommunikation, lagerhantering, tryck och distribution. Vi finns idag i samtliga nordiska länder. Strömberg har ca 140 engagerade medarbetare, en av landets modernaste maskinparker, patenterade och cert
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The Swedish Transport Agency is working to achieve good accessibility, high quality, secure, and environmentally aware rail, air, sea, and road transport. They have overall responsibility for drawing up regulations and ensuring that authorities, companies, organisations and citizens abide by them.
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Sweden Game Arena is the hub of Swedish game start-ups, education and research and we are expanding rapidly.
Ymer integrates Thermal Management and Cooling Systems to OEM’s specific applications and remain the partner in development and deliveries of precise thermal systems. Serving customers globally with strong regional presence in production and logistics, we use our edge to enable short lead times an
Monivent offers products that increases patient safety for newborn babies requiring help to start breathing at birth.